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Date: Monday 30th August 1999
Today's Top Headlines: ICQ 99b
3.18 - Site News |
- Desktop
Watch Official release of QuickLaunch 1.5.5 Beta
Time: 16:42
EDT/21:42 GMT Source: Desktop
Watch Posted By: Alex
Tom Worley of QuickLaunch is letting Desktop Watch
official release his latest version of his software; you can read
our pre-review on it. QuickLaunch is a program that makes the
programs that start with your computer wait just a bit longer than
normal, and then loads each program one at a time.
- MS
advertorial slammed by mag trade body
Time: 16:40
EDT/21:40 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
Microsoft has been castigated by the American
Society of Magazine Editors for producing an advertisement for
Microsoft Daily News that "looks like editorial",
according to Marlene Kahn, the executive director of ASME.
- Ads
aim to simplify high-speed Net access
Time: 16:38
EDT/21:38 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
Internet access providers are looking to market
their high-speed services to the greatest number of Net surfers as
possible, but in the process may risk oversimplifying a technology
still struggling with speed issues.
Excite@Home, the nation's leading cable modem
service, has launched a "multimillion-dollar" advertising
campaign planned to run in several local markets where its service
is available. The campaign aims to reach beyond the tech-savvy
Internet users that now dominate Excite@Home's subscriber base to
enlist people new to the Net.
- Sun-Netscape
alliance preparing another e-commerce offering
Time: 16:36
EDT/21:36 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
The Sun-Netscape alliance will soon ship a suite
of e-commerce software that allows businesses to more easily forge
electronic links with customers, suppliers, and business partners.
The suite consists of two existing Netscape products: the Netscape
Application Server and a new version of its ECXpert software, which
manages transactions over the Internet.
The Sun-Netscape combination is an outgrowth of a
complex arrangement hammered
out in March when America Online purchased Netscape for $10
billion. The bundle will allow businesses to easily connect with
each other and to trade information. At the heart of the package is
the Netscape Application Server, software that runs the transactions
between the Web browser and back-end services, such as databases and
human resources programs.
- Malicious
Java code uses IE to access computers
Time: 16:34
EDT/21:34 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
Researchers have created a malicious Java program
that takes advantage of a security hole in Microsoft's Internet
Explorer browser to get unlimited control over a Windows-based
computer. Within two days of hearing about the problem, Microsoft
wrote and issued a patch
to fix it, a spokeswoman for the company said.
Through the security hole, a malicious Java
program called an "attack applet" could "install a
virus, read your email, write a file, set up a monitoring station,
turn on your microphone," said Gary McGraw, a Java security
expert and co-author of the book Securing
Java. "It could do anything. It's way worse" than a
bug that just crashes a computer, he said. Java is a technology
created by Sun Microsystems that allows programs to be sent across a
network and run on any Java-enabled computer.
- Microsoft's
Hotmail cracked like an egg
Time: 15:23
EDT/20:23 GMT Source: PC
Week Posted By: Byron
Hotmail, the popular Microsoft Corp. e-mail Web
service, has been cracked wide open. The problem isn't a small hole
that only a technically adept cracker can use. With this hole,
anyone with access to a short HTML script, already widely
circulated, can open a Hotmail account.
- Microsoft
Clears Up Your Screen
Time: 15:22
EDT/20:22 GMT Source: PC
World Posted By: Byron
Microsoft is making it easier for you to see. On
Monday the company will reportedly give product details of an
application that should make it easier for users to read text on
their computer screens. Readability has been one of the prime
inhibitors to consumers embracing electronic books, or e-books,
which can be read from computers or specialized devices.
- MS
to unveil wireless e-book design
Time: 06:52
EDT/11:52 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Microsoft will announce plans for a tablet
computer this week at the Seybold conference, according to an
article in today's New York Times. As always, the company says it
has no plans to build the device itself, but that it intends to work
with hardware companies to build and sell it.
Ominously, there seems to be no timescale
attached, but Microsoft is also scheduled to announce delivery plans
for ClearType today, and the two are likely to be linked. ClearType,
which at least Microsoft thinks is a revolutionary technology that
will make screens easier to read, and therefore make electronic
books more feasible, will go into beta under the name Microsoft
Reader in the next few months, and is intended to ship in Q1 2000.
- Site News
Time: 06:20
EDT/11:20 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
Quite a few of you have e-mailed me asking where I
have vanished to, well don't worry I'm still working on the site but
I have yet again been ill so my time has been taken up trying to get
better. Here is a list of upcoming reviews:
Hardware: Microsoft
Dual Strike (Zulu), Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer, Matrox
Millennium G400 32MB Dual Head, Palm Pilot V
Software: System Shock 2, Heavy Gear 2
Shows: Massive ECTS (Entertainment
Computer Trade Show) round up - Hardware news, software news and
interviews with Microsoft's DirectX and Hardware teams
99b 3.18 #2568 released
Time: 02:35
EDT/07:35 GMT Source: Desktop
Watch Posted By: Alex
The folks at ICQ
must have heard our complaints. They have just released a new build.
This is #2568. The first new feature that I noticed is that now
after the name of the ActiveList-it shows how many members are on
line out of the total membership.It also seems to launch and connect
a bit more quickly,too. ICQ just keeps getting better and better.
Date: Sunday 29th August 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Vizact -
Site News |
- Site News
Time: 18:08
EDT/23:08 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Alex
Once again another Sunday goes by without much
news breaking on the internet. It is a shame because there isn't
much else to do on a Sunday. Just a quick reminder of the Active
Windows Community that is there, so you can post your views and
ideas on the message board. We are also selling the Mouse
Mats which can still be bought for a low price, so go get one
- Vizact
public area on Ultimate OS server
Time: 17:52
EDT/22:52 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Alex
The Ultimate OS
have added a public area where people can showcase their pages made
with the Microsoft program, Vizact. Check it out here.
- Microsoft
to restart European Net service
Time: 17:47
EDT/22:47 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
Microsoft will relaunch its MSN Internet service
in Europe in the next 12 to 18 months, the company's head for Europe
told the newspaper Welt am Sonntag. "We will start MSN anew in
most European countries," Bernard Vergnes was quoted as saying,
adding that the relaunch was expected within 18 months. More
information would be available in October, Microsoft Germany chief
Gregory Gordon told the paper.
Microsoft had about 30,000 online customers in
Germany last year when it discontinued the service as many clients
were defecting to the opposition, Welt am Sonntag said.
Microsoft has spent millions to beef up its MSN
service, which has stagnated at about 3 million users while rival
America Online races ahead, having topped
18 million customers earlier this month.
Date: Saturday 28th August 1999
Today's Top Headlines:
C&C2 Review - IE5 flaw - Virtual Machine Patch |
- Patch
Available for "Virtual Machine Sandbox" Vulnerability
Time: 16:00
EDT/21:00 GMT Source: Microsoft
Posted By: Alex H
Microsoft has released a new version of the
Microsoft® virtual machine (Microsoft VM) that eliminates a
security vulnerability that could allow a Java applet to take
unauthorized actions on the computer of a web site visitor.
Frequently asked questions regarding this vulnerability can be found
at http://www.microsoft.com/security/bulletins/MS99-031faq.asp
The Microsoft VM is a virtual machine for the
Win32® operating environment. It runs atop Microsoft
Windows® 95, 98 or Windows NT®. It ships as part of each
operating system, and also as part of Microsoft Internet Explorer.
The version of the Microsoft VM that ships with Microsoft Internet
Explorer 4.0 and Internet Explorer 5.0 contains a security
vulnerability that could allow a Java applet to operate outside the
bounds set by the sandbox and take any desired action on the user's
computer. If such an applet were hosted on a web site, it could act
against the computer of any user who visited the site.
A new version of Microsoft Virtual Machine can be
found here.
- Scientists
crack Net security code
Time: 15:56
EDT/20:56 GMT Source: MSNBC
Posted By: Alex H
A group of scientists claimed Friday to have
broken an international security code used to protect millions of
daily Internet transactions, exposing a potentially serious security
failure in electronic commerce. Researchers working for the National
Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) in
Amsterdam said consumers and some businesses could fall victim to
computer hackers if they get their hands on the right tools.However,
not every computer whiz has access to the equipment, worth several
million dollars, and no related Internet crimes have yet been
uncovered, the experts said.
- Win2000
to provoke domain showdown
Time: 15:48
EDT/20:48 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex H
As if the technical preparations required to
integrate Windows 2000 into the enterprise aren't enough, IT
managers will also have to manage brewing political battles, such as
who controls a network's domain names.
Corp. (Nasdaq:MSFT)
has implemented DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name System) in Windows 2000 in
a way that makes it extremely difficult for administrators to
integrate the operating system upgrade with Unix systems, which use
the older, static DNS.
The Windows 2000 implementation of DDNS, which
links domain names and IP addresses, all but requires Windows
administrators to take control of naming services. Unix
administrators, who have traditionally overseen DNS in mixed
Unix/Windows NT environments, are fighting to keep control.
- IE5
flaw makes PCs vulnerable
Time: 15:46
EDT/20:46 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex H
Some hackers search for security holes in order to
exploit them; others look for them for the sheer intellectual
challenge. The latter is true in the case of Bulgarian hacker Georgi
Guninski, who has repeatedly exposed dangerous security holes in
Microsoft products.
Guninski's latest discovery -- a treacherous
design flaw in Internet Explorer 5.0 -- is perhaps the most serious
ever. It allows anyone with a Web page to take over your computer
system via a few simple lines of text within the HTML code that
comprises the page. If you so much as visit the page, your system
may be subject to the exploit.
As if this weren't bad enough, hostile HTML code
can also be included in an e-mail message. This is possible because
many e-mail programs, including Outlook Express, Outlook, Eudora
Lite and Eudora Pro, invoke IE5 "behind the scenes" to
display e-mail that contains HTML code. So, even if you are not
using IE5 for your usual Web browsing, you may be susceptible.
- Windows 2000 RC2 delays
Time: 15:44
EDT/20:44 GMT Source: E-mail Posted By: Alex
Just few days ago, The Register reported, "Gates
hints Win2k shipment will slip to next year". Somehow this
'nightmare' may be truth now. We have received news that Microsoft
have decided to delay Windows 2000 RC2 until Mid-September. It was
originally planned for early September. Does this mean the Final
will be delayed? We don't know yet, but so far MS haven't changed
the RTM schedule.
- Command
& Conquer: Tiberian Sun - Review
Time: 12:20
EDT/17:20 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
have posted my review of Westwood's Command & Conquer: Tiberian
Sun. Here is a snippet:
The new "3D" terrain
manages to really enhance the gameplay over the original Command
& Conquer, vehicles and troops take longer to travel up hills or
mountains, ice is harder to walk on and using your weapons on the
enemy is now harder due to ground level differences. Bridges and new
units also help to make this a worthy purchase over Command &
- Microsoft Virtual Java Machine
possible virus - Update
Time: 03:10
EDT/08:10 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Alex
Through the night I have received about 5 emails
about the possible virus and 2 people have people have been getting
a few false alarms and warnings from their virus checker. Once again
please send in any news you get about this to me
here at ActiveWin.
Date: Friday 27th August 1999
Today's Top Headlines: MS
International Football - VJM - Winamp |
- Microsoft,
HP Connect With Internet Printing
Time: 18:10
EDT/23:10 GMT Source: PC World Posted By: Alex
Are you frustrated with using fax machines, e-mail
attachments, or overnight mail to get a document into someone else's
hands? You can send almost anything across the Internet, so why
can't you just send the document right to someone else's printer?
With new software from Microsoft and Hewlett Packard, you can.
The two companies announced Friday that they will
offer a beta version of Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) 1.0 as a
native component of the third beta release of Microsoft's Windows
2000 Professional and Server operating systems. Furthermore, Windows
95, Windows 98, and Windows 98 Second Edition users can download a
final version of the related Internet Printing Services client.
IPP allows print jobs to be sent to any printer
connected to the Internet. The standard offers a new alternative to
traveling professionals who need to remain in contact with home
offices, or anyone who needs to share information quickly over long
distances, according to the two companies.
- Microsoft
International Football 2000 - Review
Time: 17:53
EDT/22:53 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
have posted my review of Microsoft's extremely new (Released today
in the UK, sometime later in the US) International
Football 2000. Here is a snippet:
I began my first game with the
friendly option, I selected the two default teams, England and
France. Before starting the first game, there are a number of
settings to choose from such as Weather (Snow, Rain or Sunny),
Stadiums etc. I yet again went with the default settings. The game
begins with your team coming out of the tunnel, the first thing I
noticed was that the player names are not correct, I'm sorry If I
sound dumb, but I have never figured out why some companies can use
player names while others such as Microsoft/Rage have to make up
their own?
- Microsoft Virtual Java Machine
possible virus
Time: 17:44
EDT/22:44 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Alex
I have received an email from someone saying that
after they had installed the Microsoft Virtual machine update Norton
Antivirus detected a virus in the xmldso.cab file. Even though it
didn't give a name for the virus, the details said it was a Macro
virusbut still didn't give a name. This might be a one off
situation, but I thought it would be important to let people know
about it so they can check their systems as well to see if we have
found a serious virus in the Microsoft Virtual Java Machine. If you
do find you have this virus by letting us know.
- Winamp
2.5c released
Time: 17:39
EDT/22:39 GMT Source: Desktop
Watch Posted By: Alex
We have just spotted a new version of winamp,
2.5c, over at the winamp ftp site. This new version now has mjf
support, It also fixes eq volume setting bug, fixes some rare and
strange docking bugs and nullsoft removed the playlist editor child
- MS
ActiveX security holes publicly demoed
Time: 17:35
EDT/22:35 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
Several security problems with Windows 98 were
embarrassingly exposed at a security conference earlier this week.
At the 8th Usenix Security Symposium in Washington DC, Richard Smith
of Pharlap Software showed how ActiveX controls designed to help
technical support could be used to gain access to users' PCs.
Smith has been pointing out the problem for some
time, exposing it on HP machines as early as July. It would seem to
bee more a case of fundamental design flaws than bugs per se, but
that of course makes matters worse.
- Action
2K slams MS and others over Y2K info
Time: 17:33
EDT/22:33 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
The UK's Action 2000 campaign group is setting its
sights on software packages whose manufacturers seem to be unable to
decide whether, or how, Y2K-compliant they are. And Microsoft
products are strong performers in the list of shame.
As we've pointed out here in the past, Microsoft
has an unfortunate habit of both discovering millennium issues in
relatively recent products, and of changing its mind about the
compliance status of its products. Action 2000 says that software
manufacturers are failing to provide clear information on their
products, and they keep changing the information they supply about
This is causing major delays to companies trying
to tackle Y2K. Action 2000 so far has a list of 24 software packages
where this information has been changed recently, and this list
includes Word 97, Excel 95, Outlook 98 and Windows NT Site Server.
- How
Microsoft hedged its 64-bit Alpha NT bets
Time: 17:29
EDT/22:29 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
We've now received copies of two postings
Microsoft did on the same day about the future of 64-bit Alpha NT.
Both appeared on August 24. In the first posting, Microsoft said:
"This announcement does not currently affect our plans to
develop and support 64-bit versions of our products on the Alpha
platform. Compaq, as well as our other OEM partners, will continue
to work with us to deliver a 64-bit version of Windows for our
enterprise customers."
In the second posting, Microsoft said: "There
will be no future releases of Microsoft products for the 32-bit or
64-bit Alpha platform. This means there will not be 32-bit Alpha
versions of Windows 2000, beginning with Release Candidate 2, nor
will there be new 32-bit Alpha releases of SQL Server, Exchange, or
other 32-bit Alpha BackOffice products. There will also be no 64-bit
version of Windows or BackOffice developed for the Alpha
- Microsoft
+ IBM + Amway = Quixtar site
Time: 17:26
EDT/22:26 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex H
Next Wednesday, a joint venture aimed at web-based
entrepreneurs and involving some unlikely bedfellows -– Amway
Corp., IBM and Microsoft Corp. -– will go live. The Quixtar
(pronounced Quick-Star) web site (www.Quixtar.com) will aim to
provide a variety of products and services to Web shoppers. But the
Quixtar development partners are claiming the site will be more than
just another online mall, it also will offer shopping club features
and will pioneer a new business model, the partners claim.
- Locking
Windows' Backdoors
Time: 04:34
EDT/09:34 GMT Source: Wired
News Posted By: Alex H
If you use Microsoft Outlook, be warned. Over a
dozen bugs in Windows 98 let malicious virus writers and meddlesome
peeping Toms view or erase any file on your hard drive.
At a computer security conference Wednesday
afternoon, an expert demonstrated how malcontents can send
apparently innocuous email with hidden commands that -- if opened
using certain email programs -- will
give an intruder complete access to a Windows computer.
"We've got some serious problems here, folks.
We've got some really bad backdoors on the computers we have on our
desktops," said Richard Smith, president of Cambridge,
Massachusetts-based Phar Lap
Software, who identified
the person accused of writing the Melissa virus.
During his presentation at the 8th
Usenix Security Symposium, Smith demonstrated some new security
flaws he and his collaborators have identified in their spare time.
One recently unearthed and not-yet-fixed Win98 glitch lets an email
opened in Outlook execute any DOS command -- including reformatting
your hard drive or uploading its contents to a remote Web site.
- A
Flaw Worse Than Melissa
Time: 04:32
EDT/09:32 GMT Source: Wired
News Posted By: Alex H
A team of computer scientists has discovered a bug
in many Microsoft Windows computers that lets an attacker take
control of a PC by sending an email message. The security hole,
present in most copies of Windows 95 and all versions of Windows 98,
would allow a malcontent to conceal malicious computer code in an
email message or Web page that can surreptitiously modify files,
reformat a hard drive, or execute any DOS command.
"It's the Melissa virus, but even worse [than
that]," says Dan
Wallach, an assistant professor of computer science at Rice
University who is one of the team members. "The Melissa virus
required someone to click 'OK.' This doesn't."
Microsoft has acknowledged the backdoor. This
week, after the researchers contacted the company, it released an upgraded
version of its Java virtual machine that fixes the problem.
Date: Thursday 26th August 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Winamp |
- Microsoft
Offers Special For Macs
Time: 16:45
EDT/21:45 GMT Source: Tech
Web Posted By: Alex H
Microsoft is wooing Apple customers with Word 98
Special Edition for customers of the new Apple iBook and iMac
computers. It includes Microsoft Word 98 Macintosh Edition, Internet
Explorer 4.5, and Outlook Express 4.5. The software, released
Thursday, also includes thousands of clip-art images, 100
greeting-card templates, and sample greeting-card paper. The cost
after rebate is $99.
- CE
Fair: Germany Going Gaga
Time: 16:38
EDT/21:38 GMT Source: Wired
News Posted By: Alex H
Germany is finally discovering this Internet
thing, just in time for this year's International Consumer
Electronics Fair here. The huge, biennial event dates back to 1924,
when radio was introduced to German retailers as a hot new thing.
The emphasis in recent years has been on TV and entertainment, which
has been a sexy enough topic to draw half a million people over the
nine-day event.
But when this year's event opens Saturday at the
Berlin fairgrounds, the growing European focus on the Internet will
be on full display with an On-Line World exhibit area encompassing
6,000 square meters (64,000 square feet).
"Of course, people are excited about this.
The fair will have lots of things concerning the Internet and how to
use that at home, and AOL. To have services like e-commerce and
e-banking, it's a very big thing," said Klaus Juergen Dreier,
head of the IFA organizing committee.
- Microsoft
puts boot into 64-bit Alpha
Time: 16:24
EDT/21:24 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
Compaq has suffered a further body blow to its
Alpha chip strategy after it emerged any Microsoft support for
64-bit software will be thin gruel indeed.
Earlier this week, senior VP Enrico "The
Cloak" Pesatori held out hope for 64-bit Microsoft Alpha
development, but those dreams have been dashed by a PR release from
the Satan of Software.
In a company statement, Microsoft said 64-bit
versions of its products will be targeted at the Intel IA-64
architecture. It will discontinue development of future 32-bit and
64-bit Alpha products across its product line, Microsoft added.
- Microsoft
share price rise is a puzzle
Time: 16:24
EDT/21:24 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
For no agreed reason, Microsoft shares have
increased in value by 14 per cent this week. There's an opinion from
Michael Stanek of Lehman Brothers which noted that Microsoft is
"somewhat immune from Y2K", and projects a price of 130
within 12 months. Bloomberg and Dow Jones cited "a favourable
court ruling" which may be an optimistic way of describing the
failure of the judge to give some reasons for decisions in Sun's
action against Microsoft over Java.
Bloomberg also mentioned as a reason the expected
appointment of Richard Belluzzo to head Microsoft's Internet
activities, but this was unrelated, according to Bill Epifanio of JP
Morgan, who though the approach of Windows 2000 was more important.
Steve Ballmer is on holiday and Gates is essentially out of
operational matters, so the word from Microsoft is "no
comment" about Belluzzo. Since he is tipped to start on 1
September, he is no doubt negotiating his contract details and
reading the relevant Dummies book on the Internet, since his
background is strongest in printer sales.
- Merced
silicon happens: Linux runs, NT doesn't
Time: 16:21
EDT/21:21 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
Reliable sources close to Intel's plans say that
the company has produced first silicon samples of the processor in
its fabrication plants. Intel has struggled to produce working
silicon for some time, with various stops and starts, as reported
here previously on numerous occasions. But while the news may be
good for Intel, Microsoft is already gnashing its teeth. Because the
Linux operating system is already running on the silicon while
Microsoft's Win64 software won't.
- Netscape
issues fix to Web server bug
Time: 16:14
EDT/21:14 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
Netscape and a security software maker are
offering a fix for a bug that could allow hackers to gain access to
Netscape Web servers.
Using a method called "buffer overflow,"
a hacker can send a server a Web address with more characters than
the machine can handle, which causes it to grant access to the
attacker that it normally would not.
"A [malicious] hacker could do whatever he
wants to the server. He can launch a virus or open an account
without a password," said Christopher Rouland, director of Internet
Security Systems' X-Force,
a research and development team of security experts that maintains a
database of hacking exploits and techniques.
The bug affects Netscape Enterprise and FastTrack
servers, according to ISS, a provider of network security software
based in Atlanta. Businesses use Netscape Enterprise and FastTrack
servers to build and manage intranet and extranet networks.
- Patch Available for "Virtual
Machine Sandbox" Vulnerability
Time: 16:09
EDT/21:09 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Alex
Microsoft has released a patch that eliminates a
security vulnerability in the Microsoft(r) virtual machine
(Microsoft VM). The vulnerability could allow a Java applet to take
virtually any action on the computer of a web site visitor.
Frequently asked questions regarding this
vulnerability can be found at http://www.microsoft.com/security/bulletins/MS99-031faq.asp
- 2000
May Arrive Before Win 2000
Time: 08:22
EDT/13:22 GMT Source: PC
World Posted By: Byron
Microsoft is "pretty sure" that Windows
2000 will ship by the end of the year, although delivering a
top-quality product is the main concern and will dictate when the
operating system is released, Bill Gates, chair and chief executive
officer, says.
Speaking at Dell's first user conference here this
week, Gates calls the new operating system "the biggest version
of Windows we've ever worked on." The product has been dogged
by delays and will be more than a year behind schedule if it ships
by December as promised.
- Winamp
2.5 Released
Time: 08:19
EDT/13:19 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Winamp 2.5 has been released here are a few of the
new features:
- Winamp is now freeware! Thanks to all who have
previously registered, your support is really appreciated!
- Skin selection menu in main menu, browser in
- Builtin visualization settings are now in
- Two streaming-related bugfixes to in_mp3.dll
- Added streamed-file saving to in_mp3.dll (no
shoutcast saving, sorry)
- Added extended-M3U/PLS support (files include
title and length info)
- Improved in_mp3.dll's frame sync code
- Better multi-byte character set support
- Numerous playlist editor bugfixes, and
- Fixed some default skin images
- Fixed some leak and GDI issues (thanks,
- Fixed some leaks in in_cdda.dll
- Restructured some internals of Winamp for
bitrate reporting for speed
- Added recent stream list to open location box
- Automatic IE integration for SHOUTcast
- Fixed a bug in out_wave.dll
- Updated AudioSoft plug-in
- Final WMA support for full version
Date: Wednesday 25th August 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Intellimouse
Explorer |
- Slate launches 'Office 2000'
presidential coverage
Time: 15:41
EDT/20:41 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Slate, the online magazine published by Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq:MSFT),
said today that it would launch a special section devoted to
coverage of the 2000 presidential and congressional races. The new
section has been dubbed "Office 2000" which also happens
to be the name of one of Microsoft's top-selling pieces of software.
- Microsoft
Shows Off New Kit (UK)
Time: 15:40
EDT/20:40 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Today Microsoft revealed a wealth of consumer products intended
for release in the run up to Christmas.
The company has produced a range of new hardware and software,
ranging from PC gaming add ons, like the Sidewinder Dual Strike
control, to reference material, like the new version of Encarta, or
Works Suite 2000.
- Days
Top Story
2000 Can Hook You Up
Time: 15:36
EDT/20:36 GMT Source: WinMag
Posted By: Byron
You'd be hard pressed to find the words "networking"
and "easy" in the same sentence. Getting a company's PCs
to talk and share and be good digital citizens is often an
intimidating task. But Windows 2000 Server may take some of the work
out of networking with a bevy of new features designed to make
setting up and configuring a LAN easier--if not downright simple.
Many of Win2000 Server's new networking features and improvements
are related to administrative convenience. For example, Active
Directory Services (ADS), with its Group Policies support, lets
administrators set and modify security permissions, set computer
management options, control Desktop settings and user profiles, and
deploy applications en masse for 10 or 10,000 users.
- Microsoft
Intellimouse Explorer - Review
Time: 05:20
EDT/10:20 GMT Source: CGO
Posted By: Byron
CGO has posted a Intellimouse
Explorer review. Here is a snippet:
The new IntelliMouse is an optical mouse, which
is a technology that has been around for a while. Previous optical
mice had to be used on a special reflective mouse pad, though, and
the Microsoft product requires no pad at all. It doesn't even
require a flat surface. The little red "eye" on the
bottom takes thousands of really close-in snapshots of the surface
you're working on, and compares them to determine mouse movement.
You can use the mouse on your desk, a book, your pants leg, your
neighbor, etc. And it works perfectly, at a resolution of about
400dpi! There is a catch, of course. You can't use the mouse on a
glass table or mirror, or a surface that is incredibly clean,
smooth, and reflective on a microscopic level. At least, not
without putting a piece of paper on it first. The oversized mouse
is very comfortable with a lot of hand contact, and movement is
natural and accurate. Also, it will operate on both standard PS/2
mouse parts and as a USB device.
- Will
IM stand for 'instant money'?
Time: 02:22
EDT/07:22 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex H
Sure, tens of millions of people use instant messaging technology
on the Web. And, sure, it's the fastest growing application on the
Web, outperforming chat and personal pages. But Web sites that offer
the technology to their users still haven't found a way to make
money from the surge in IM use, beyond improving their traffic to
attract more advertisers. But that may be about to change.
- Standards
body translates Web for devices
Time: 02:16
EDT/07:16 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
The basic language of the Web is due for an overhaul--one that
proponents say will make it easier for an array of Web browsing
devices to read Web pages.
Standards body the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) today released
a proposed recommendation--the penultimate stage in the W3C
recommendation process--of Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML).
The proposed recommendation would rewrite Hypertext Markup Language
(HTML), commonly referred to as the Web's lingua franca, in
Extensible Markup Language (XML), a newer technology for creating
Web languages.
Web authors use HTML to design basic Web pages. HTML tags
designate format and page elements such as paragraph breaks, color,
tables, lists, and the like. XML defines a tagging structure for the
creation of industry- or task-specific languages. One example is
MathML, for creating Web pages with mathematical content.
High on the list of goals for XHTML is to make Web pages more
easily readable by devices other than the traditional desktop
browser, as devices such as handheld computers become
ever-more-connected to the Internet. XHTML divides elements of a Web
page into groups called "modules." When a device with a
small screen accesses the page, the server can choose to send the
device only the module with information that will fit on that small
Date: Tuesday 24th August 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Neptune
- DirectX |
Updates Instant Messenger
Time: 17:47
EDT/22:47 GMT Source: Internet
News Posted By: Alex H
America Online Inc. Tuesday launched version 3.0
of its popular Instant Messenger communications tool, on the heels
of the recent launch of a messaging tool by Microsoft.
Available via free download, features added to
version 3.0 include: a customized news and stock ticker, as well as
buddy list icons and an auto-reconnect if the connection is briefly
lost. AOL boasts more than 45 million users of its instant messaging
AOL has been a public quarrel with Microsoft since
July, when Microsoft launched its own messaging client, MSN
Messenger. "AIM 3.0's next-generation communications tools will
greatly enhance the instant messaging experience for our registered
users," said Bob Pittman, AOL's president and chief operating
officer. "And, in the coming months, we will be rolling out new
features to ensure that AIM continues to be the most valuable
instant messaging product in cyberspace."
- Days
Top Story
New IE5 Security Bug the Worst Ever?
Time: 17:46
EDT/22:46 GMT Source: Internet
News Posted By: Alex H
Bulgarian browser bugmeister Georgi Guninski is at
it again. The 27-year-old independent computer consultant has
discovered a new security flaw affecting Internet Explorer 5, which
enables a malicious hacker to place a program on the victim's hard
disk, to be executed at the next reboot.
Guninski is credited by Microsoft with discovering
and publicizing a number of significant security flaws in its
Internet Explorer browser in the past year. While he's also spotted
several security bugs in Netscape's Navigator, Guninski is
especially fond of poking holes in Active X, the scripting
technology used in IE.
"I think this is the most significant of my
discoveries and the most dangerous also," Guninski told
InternetNews Radio. "It allows a Web page or e-mail message to
take control of the computer and do anything."
According to Guninski, the attack can be launched
by causing IE5 users to click on a hyperlink on a web page, but it
also can be transmitted by e-mail to users of Microsoft's Outlook
98. The exploit places an executable program in an HTML Application
file in a Window 95 or 98 computer's start-up folder. When the
victim reboots his or her computer, the program will execute.
Guninski said the problem lies in an Active X
control called "Object for constructing type libraries for
scriptlets". He has posted a demo and source code of the
exploit at his Web site.
- Neptune News
Time: 15:07
EDT/20:07 GMT Source: E-mail Posted By: Alex
We are trying to get some more screenshots of
Microsoft Neptune to post on the site for you to see. At the moment
Neptune is in the very early draft stages. In fact, it "lives
with" Win 2000 Professional now -- kind of an add-on to Win
2000 PRO (Build 2072 ONLY). Music Center, in the screenshot we
posted on the 22nd doesn't even work yet - it's broken. Neptune's
version is 5.50 (for now, just like Millennium is v4.90 now).
- Microsoft
Encarta Reference Suite 2000, Available This Week, Provides Students
With a Technological Edge
Time: 15:05
EDT/20:05 GMT Source: Presspass
Posted By: Alex H
If history could express itself, it would use more
than just lifeless words and photos on a black and white page.
People from the past would leap from the pages to tell their
stories. If an atlas could talk, it would come alive, revealing rich
cultures and making a place not just a point on a map, but someone's
home. And if people of all countries and cultures could understand
the nuances of each other's languages, then miscommunication might
be a thing of the past.
Welcome to the world of the Microsoft® Encarta®
multimedia encyclopedia. Scheduled to be available Aug. 27 in stores
nationwide, Microsoft Encarta Reference Suite 2000 delivers history,
science, the arts, geography, the English language and more in four
indispensable resources. Encarta Reference Suite 2000 includes two
of the world's most popular reference products, Encarta Encyclopedia
Deluxe 2000 and Encarta Interactive World Atlas, formerly Encarta
Virtual Globe. This year, two other outstanding programs join the
suite, Encarta World English Dictionary, the first U.S. dictionary
that captures global English and was created using Internet and
computer technologies, and Encarta Online Deluxe, the encyclopedia's
premium online version.
"Learning today is different. Students are
surrounded by a wealth of information, especially in a technological
sense. Encarta Reference Suite aggregates this information,
providing users with a starting point from which they can then
synthesize and analyze the information that is important to them at
home and in school," said Mark Young, Microsoft group product
manager, Learning Business Unit.
Encarta World English Dictionary
Unsure of the nuances of the word "boot"
in an e-mail from your colleague in England? Encarta World English
Dictionary helps eliminate miscommunication by capturing the
differences in English as it's spoken around the world, with clear
definitions written in everyday language. More than 320 expert
editors and consultants from more than 20 English-speaking countries
used e-mail to compile some 400,000 authoritative references in the
easy-to-use dictionary.
The dictionary also includes five additional
references: Encarta Book of Quotations, The Original Roget's
Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases, The Encarta 2000 Almanac,
Microsoft Press® Computer and Internet Dictionary, and Encarta
Manual of Style and Usage.
Encarta Encyclopedia Deluxe
Know a high schooler who needs to research a topic
for debate class, such as the bombing of Hiroshima? Using Encarta
Encyclopedia Deluxe 2000, students can search among more than 42,000
articles, over 19,000 Web Links, nearly 20,000 images, video and
audio clips, and much more. This year, several new features give
students, parents and educators an edge with schoolwork. For
instance, the new Curriculum Guide lets users choose a grade level
and subject and see a list of relevant information in Encarta. In
addition, the Point/Counterpoint collection - part of the popular
Sidebar feature - presents differing views on such controversial
topics as gun control, the Hiroshima bombing and the death penalty.
Other new Encarta Encyclopedia Deluxe 2000
features include a Dynamic Timeline that allows users to compare and
contrast history across time, place and subject matter, and the
addition of Collier's Archives, more than 10,000 articles from 1960
to 1998 that detail the history of the late 20th century. A single
mouse-click takes users to the free* Encarta Yearbook, which
provides monthly online updates that can be downloaded and
integrated into the encyclopedia, thus ensuring that Encarta
Encyclopedia Deluxe is always up to date.
Encarta Interactive World Atlas
Where is Nepal in relation to China? Encarta
Interactive World Atlas will take users to both locations on a
dynamic map and introduce their rich cultures - or whisk them to any
of 1.7 million other places around the globe. Eight times more
detailed than any print atlas, Encarta Interactive World Atlas
integrates maps, text and multimedia content into an invaluable
resource for students and travelers exploring the world's cities,
countries and cultures. New customizable map styles added this year
are Languages, Religions, and Parks and World Heritage Sites. Other
new features include Map Treks, which explain geographic phenomena
right on the map; the Multimedia Map, which uses the globe to
display images, flags and world music clips; Pushpins, which enable
users to create new map points to annotate and customize; reverse
highlighting to clearly show the borders of countries and regions;
dynamic latitude and longitude lines that help pinpoint locations;
and closed captioning.
Free** Encarta Online Deluxe 2000, Yearbook and
Educator Materials
With Encarta Reference Suite comes free* access to
Encarta Online Deluxe, the premium online version of the
encyclopedia, through Dec. 31, 2000. Encarta Online Deluxe is
available any time, on any computer with Internet access. It's part
of Encarta Online, http://encarta.msn.com/,
a collection of rich premium and free* educational resources for
students, adults and teachers that also includes Encarta
Schoolhouse, Web Links, classroom integration tools, homework help
and more.
Educators can find more than 500 engaging lesson
plans in 13 subject areas - including 23 new lessons about the
millennium - to use with Encarta Reference Suite products in the
free* Encarta Lesson Collection at the Encarta Schoolhouse Web site,
- Microsoft
Purses Lips On Internet Hire Report
Time: 14:58
EDT/19:58 GMT Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Alex H
Microsoft officials declined comment Tuesday on a
report that Richard Belluzzo, former CEO of computer maker SGI,
would be named to head its Internet operations.
SGI, formerly known as Silicon Graphics Inc.,
Monday said Belluzzo had resigned unexpectedly as chairman and CEO
to take a "noncompetitive, non-CEO position with another
Belluzzo spent less than two years at troubled SGI
after being recruited in 1998 from Hewlett-Packard, where he had
been regarded by some as heir-apparent to CEO Lewis Platt.
Microsoft has been searching for a high-profile
executive to take over its MSN.com portal and other Internet
operations since November, when group vice president Pete Higgins
stepped down to take an indefinite leave of absence.
A number of candidates have reportedly turned down
the job, including Brad Silverberg, another high-ranking Microsoft
executive on indefinite leave. Silverberg recently was lured back
part-time to advise president Steve Ballmer.
- Departing
SGI chief may join Microsoft
Time: 14:38
EDT/19:38 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
Rick Belluzzo, who abruptly resigned yesterday as
chief executive of Silicon Graphics, reportedly will join Microsoft
to run its interactive operations unit. The unit includes the
Microsoft Network online service. Microsoft has been searching since
last November for a new leader for its Internet businesses, which
are facing stiff competition from America Online and others, the
Wall Street Journal said in reporting Belluzzo's decision today.
When Belluzzo's resignation was announced yesterday,
Silicon Graphics spokesman John Cristofano would say only that the
departing CEO was leaving to take a position at a company that
doesn't compete with SGI.
Although his resignation took SGI's board by
surprise, it was mainly the timing of his decision that was
unexpected, sources said. During the last board meeting in July,
Belluzzo told the directors that "he was not sure he was the
right person to lead the company," a source familiar with those
discussions told CNET News.com yesterday.
The board responded that it had confidence in
Belluzzo and that the CEO would put the company in a difficult
position if SGI went forward with its planned restructuring, only to
have him pull out later on.
- Looking For A U.S. Reviewer
Time: 11:22
EDT/16:22 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
Advantages: Gets to test new or upcoming products
in a variety of software/hardware areas. Return shipping will be
Disadvantages: You have to return the product at
the review period. Usually 30-60 days.
If you are interested, e-mail byron@activeie.com
with a link to an example of your review work. On another note - we
are yet again looking for more news reporters to add news to our
site. Currently we are looking for new reporters in the Gaming,
Hardware and Business news sections. Again e-mail byron@activeie.com
for details.
- ActiveWindows
Community Reminder
Time: 04:28
EDT/09:28 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
Just another reminder about signing up for our ActiveWindows
Community on MSN. It allows you to chat with us in our chat room
(First chat coming up this Friday night) or via our message board,
it also lets you post your own screensavers and backgrounds for
other ActiveWindows readers to download.
- Sun,
IBM decaffeinate JavaOS
Time: 03:18
EDT/08:18 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
Sun and IBM have pulled the plug on JavaOS for
business, an ill-fated attempt to power a Java-only computer that
bypassed Windows and other operating systems.
The project, announced April 1, 1998, was a joint
development and marketing effort by Sun and its closest Java
partner, IBM. It aimed to create an operating system that could
effectively serve as the cornerstone of Java-centric desktop
computers. But, like other Java-centric desktop computer efforts,
few customers adopted it.
beefs up mainframe operating system
Time: 03:17
EDT/08:17 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
Big Blue has made its "big iron" more
palatable for its button-down corporate customers by upgrading its
operating system with more secure features. IBM released an upgrade
for its S/390 mainframe operating system to help large corporate
customers better use these brawny machines for e-business.
Over the last 30 years or so, IBM has sold its
mainframes to more than 15,000 of the largest companies in the
world. IBM said the update is for these customers who are looking to
make their systems more secure on the Internet for applications such
as transaction processing. IBM mainframes are used by large banks,
for example, to handle millions of daily customer transactions.
OS/390 Version
2 Release 8 comes with enhancements in security, connectivity,
and systems management, IBM said.
- Browser
multitasks as "Internet Desktop"
Time: 03:15
EDT/08:15 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
As the battle over instant messaging heats up, one
company is combining Web browsing and messaging in a single browser
product in an effort to get a leg up.
Browser maker NeoPlanet is teaming up with portal
site Lycos and its partner Valent Software, in which Lycos has an
equity stake, to offer a browser that lets users surf the Net, send
instant messages and email, and participate in what it calls
"virtual communities."
NeoPlanet offers a browser that companies and
individual users can customize with their own branding or look. The
company builds its browser around Microsoft's browser engine and has
released a preview of a browser built around America Online's
browser engine as well.
- DirectX 7 RC3 - Released To
Time: 02:08
EDT/07:08 GMT Source: Microsoft Posted By: Alex
Microsoft have released what is expected to become
their final released candidate for DirectX 7 before it goes gold.
The new version of DirectX is expected to be released to the public
early next month.
Date: Monday 23rd August 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Compaq
& MS |
- Win
2000—whenever it gets here—is the next big thing
Time: 15:40
EDT/20:40 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Operating systems used to be a central focus of PC
Week. IT and, of course, this publication paid an inordinate amount
of attention to choosing, slamming and fixing them. They're still
important, but much of our attention has been diverted to the Web.
But one OS is back. Soon, the computing world will
go through an OS upheaval once again. Makes you break out in a
sweat, doesn't it?
- Days
Top Story
Excel may not calculate Y2K
Time: 13:18
EDT/18:16 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Unless users of Microsoft Corp.'s Excel download scanning
tools from the company's Web site, their spreadsheets could go
haywire when they open their files on Jan. 1.
A Boston-based technology management consulting
company has found that an Excel year 2000 error causing drastic math
errors went undetected by a handful of Y2K analysis tools.
- Compaq
Alpha cuts pull rug from Microsoft's 64-bit NT
Time: 09:18
EDT/14:18 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Is Compaq pulling the rug out from under
Microsoft? The news of
job losses in the company's NT Alpha development unit last week
at least indicates that Compaq is reducing emphasis on NT as an OS
for the Alpha platform, but more important from Microsoft's point of
view will be the crumbling of a long-standing alliance, and the
withdrawal of resources that were important for the future
development of NT.
- The UltimateOS
Time: 09:03
EDT/14:03 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Rumor has it The UltimateOS portal site is close
to going online in a beta form, the official launch is Jan. 1, 2000.
UltimateOS? Wonder which will win or what will be included. The
folks that created that great graphics magazine (internet EYE) are
the ones behind the new UltimateOS portal
email suggestions and comments to gmpcorp@east-bay.com
Date: Sunday 22nd August 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Site
News |
- Site News
Time: 16:03
EDT/21:03 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
Cheers to everyone who has been sending in
comments on the reviews database.
We should have some of your suggestions added by the end of the
week. Here is the upcoming reviews round up again. These will be
posted over the next 2 weeks.
Hardware: Microsoft
Dual Strike (Zulu), Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer, Matrox
Millennium G400 32MB Dual Head, Palm Pilot V
Software: C&C2 Tiberian Sun, System
Shock 2, Heavy Gear 2, DirectX 7
Shows: Massive ECTS (Entertainment
Computer Trade Show starting September 5th) round up - Hardware
news, software news and interviews with Microsoft's DirectX and
Hardware teams. Both Alex & I will be on the show floor
reporting directly to the site.
- Microsoft
Faces the Music
Time: 03:59
EDT/08:59 GMT Source: Wired
News Posted By: Alex H
Microsoft is learning that becoming part of the
music scene isn't easy unless you know the right people. The company
released a new version of its digital audio technology this week,
but competing on unfamiliar turf with entrenched formats such as
MP3, Liquid Audio, and RealAudio, it found that it takes more than
spin to win.
- Reviews
Database - Alpha - Reminder
Time: 02:30
EDT/07:30 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
Here you go, we know you love testing out things and sending in
your comments so here is your chance to try out our new and still
being worked on Reviews
Take note that it is still in its early stages although many review
sites already add to it. Here are a few things that we know about
and don't need to be told about.
Search Forms need
to be completed before the official launch
Records Matching “ appears on the searches the “ should tell
people what they searched for
They are pretty basic - the main thing we want is your feedback,
would you use it - what needs to be added etc.
If you run a site that does reviews you can contact us if you
wish to be added to the database.
Mouse Pads
02:30 EDT/07:30 GMT Source:
ActiveWindows Posted By: Bob
with a lower price, don't forget that the first ActiveWindows
piece of merchandise is now available
to order. The mousepads arrived and they look fabulous! The
first product in our new range of logos is the ActiveWindows Mouse
Date: Saturday 21st August 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Excel
- Office - MS Media |
- Microsoft
patches Excel security holes
Time: 05:00
EDT/10:00 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex H
Microsoft Corp. Friday released a patch to close a
security hole found in the database drivers for Excel 97 and Excel
2000. The problem in Excel 97 was discovered by a computer
programmer in Spain, Juan Carlos Garcia Cuartango, who notified both
NTBugTraq and Microsoft in late July.
The security hole in Excel 97 is a vulnerability
in the ODBC driver of the Jet database engine and allows a user to
create malicious code in a spreadsheet that will plant viruses and
delete files, according to Redmond, Wash.-based Microsoft
Opening an affected spreadsheet attached to an e-mail message or
linked from a Web site triggers the vulnerability in the ODBC
- Microsoft
does multimedia in slow motion
Time: 04:58
EDT/09:58 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
At Microsoft's computer graphics laboratory, they
are running out of back burners. Often characterized by internal
squabbling, Microsoft's various groups working on 3D graphics
technology for the PC and the Web have delivered more confusion and
delay than product to market in recent years. And the fates of their
various efforts are often so nebulous that Microsoft's employees,
partners, and customers cannot agree whether they are living, dead,
or, in the words of one insider, left "just twitching."
Hanging in the balance is control over
technologies that proponents have long promised would revolutionize
computing online and off. To date, however, they have yielded little
to the average consumer. The challenge for Microsoft and its
competitors in the computer and Web graphics market is to maintain
the technological upper hand in anticipation of widespread consumer
demand that has yet to materialize.
Within Microsoft's graphics world there are three
technologies in various states of limbo. They are Fahrenheit, a
project to fuse parts of Microsoft's and SGI's graphics programming
interfaces; Chromeffects, a set of technologies to bring graphics
common on personal computers to the Web; and Talisman, a graphics
chip architecture.
All three of these technologies, like many in the
same category that have never seen the light of day, have emerged
and then foundered in a swift, quixotic market for computer and Web
graphics. In addition to facing elusive demand, Microsoft has had to
contend with smaller firms that have been able to maneuver around
Microsoft in getting their products to market at cheaper prices and
with lighter bandwidth demands.
Microsoft has not been alone in its struggle with
multimedia graphics technology; just yesterday, Intel said it is abandoning
its graphics chip business.
- Sun
buying Microsoft Office competitor
Time: 04:56
EDT/09:56 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
Sun Microsystems is finalizing a deal to buy Star
Division, a maker of a software suite similar to Microsoft Office,
and it appears that it is off on a second attempt for desktop glory.
A deal to purchase Star
Division was signed August 11, and an announcement is expected
August 31, sources familiar with the plan said. Star Division makes
two types of its StarOffice software, one type that runs on Linux,
Solaris, Windows, OS2, and Mac OS, and the other, a thin client
version of the software that runs on Java-enabled devices. The
purchase price for Star is unknown at present.
Assuming the deal doesn't go awry, the acquisition
of the German company would put Sun into more direct competition
with longtime foe Microsoft. Microsoft's office suite is dominant on
computers running Windows and Mac OS, whereas Sun's strength has
been not with end-user software but with server hardware and
Read more of the past months news in
our News Archive for Ju ly
and Previous August News.
Do you have any Windows based news?
Just Remember To Get In Touch!
Current Top Downloads
Media Player 6.4
99B Build 317
UI For Windows 98 SE
98 Spinning Globe Background