Rosie and New Images
Date: 29th September, 2000 -|-
Time: 23:29 GMT
I have added some new images to
this page and also would like to mention Rosie my girlfriend who has
brought me happiness and joy into my life again. She also knows how to
make me smile.
[Email Me]
Photo Section Updated
Date: 4th September, 2000 -|-
Time: 22:35 GMT
I have added some stuff to the Photos
section. It isn't all photos, some disturbing but I am FCUK'd
[Email Me]
Diary Section Updated
Date: 7th July, 2000 -|-
Time: 13:34 GMT
I have put a couple of entries
into the Diary
Section. Will update the site a bit more later on today, but I
have to head into town to get some stuff done.
[Email Me]

Side Image Updated
Date: 29th June, 2000 -|-
Time: 23:52 GMT
I have changed the side image
because it was to small and was starting to repeat itself, so now
instead I have part of Durer's Four Horseman of the Apocalypse there
now. Once again all comments greatly received.
[Email Me]

Diary Section Updated
Date: 29th June, 2000 -|-
Time: 22:54 GMT
I have updated the Diary
section with some more ranting and ravings from myself.
[Email Me]

Web Cam section
Date: 28th June, 2000 -|-
Time: 23:20 GMT
I should get the web cam up and
running soon. If anyone knows some good software to add the web cam images
to the site then please email me. Any comments about the design then
please email me as well.
[Email Me]

New Homepage design
Date: 27th June, 2000 -|-
Time: 20:30 GMT
I am trying out this design,
but I am still not sure if I like it, so it might be changed again.
[Email Me]