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00:18 EST/05:18 GMT | News Source:
Posted By: Robert Stein |
Microsoft could go on a shopping spree to acquire key technologies and services as soon as its legal problems are out of the way, according to a report from research firm Gartner. Other analysts aren't so sure, however. As Microsoft's antitrust imbroglio drags on, the company is sitting on a cash reserve of $38 billion, something that makes large acquisitions almost inevitable, Stamford, Conn.-based Gartner said in a report released Wednesday.
#1 By
2 (
4/11/2002 12:19:36 AM
FOR SALE: Active Network, Inc... ;-) j/k
#2 By
3653 (
4/11/2002 12:56:46 AM
Anyone else want to speculate on who they might purchase? Personally, I wish they would buy Adobe. Then, I think they will fill in some holes around their Great Plains product line. And I agree with the author, that STORAGE will benefit from some small technology acquisitions.
Its too bad that Macromedia got too deep in Java (with Allaire/ColdFusion) because I think MS could do some cool stuff with Flash.
I actually think they will do more "investment" than outright "acquisition". I could easily see them buying 5-10% in companies like Philips, Pioneer, Clarion, Samsung (if they haven't already) or other consumer electronics companies. I mean, do you really think MS is going to just play their Xbox and Mira cards in their plight for the living room?
One final thought, as I look around the pc... I see that MS has the inside of the pc (software), they also have a good mouse business and keyboard business. Why not go after some of the monitor business too? Its cut-throat, and margins can get low... but maybe they can start small. Just as the VERY last person swears that MS is a software-only company... THAT is when they would dive head-long into hardware... IMHO.
#3 By
2062 (
4/11/2002 1:32:05 AM
I hope ms buys aol time warner so they can close that piece of s*** company
#4 By
4209 (
4/11/2002 10:12:43 AM
They should pay off some of the national debt. Wouldn't that just piss everyone off. Not that it is poosible but it would be funny non the less.
#5 By
3339 (
4/11/2002 2:43:32 PM
Isn't this a bit premature? I don't see any end in sight to this trial. And then there are a few class action suits, 3 private antitrust suits, and two EU Antitrust suits. Maybe the study, which is entirely just conjecture anyway (will MS make acquisitions? Yes, of course, that's a stupid thing to study), should have been WHEN will MS make an acquisition despite the fact that it will be in legal trouble for years and years to come.
#6 By
4209 (
4/11/2002 5:03:35 PM
Yeah Soda, we were all serious as to them buying Monaco or Paying down the national debt. But I would not mind them bribing the President to get out of this, so my tax dollars can stop paying for this crap. And you can move onto investigating other things.
#7 By
3339 (
4/11/2002 6:03:23 PM
mctwin, you're just trying to look like an @sshole today, aren't you? Where did I say you are suggsting stupid companies? (Which by the way, even the posters who are serious were posting some ridiculous crap). I'm commenting on the complete idiocy of this report in total.
#8 By
4209 (
4/12/2002 11:23:06 AM
The sad thing is I was joking. I guess I need to put an LOL at the end to specify it was a joke. That is twice in one day he has attacked me personally. I wish the ActiveWin staff would just ban his IP. I like this site and I like to state opinion, just like SodaJerk does, but I have never attacked anyone personally. Which I have been twice today by him. Still even after his attacks notice I did not attack back.
#9 By
3339 (
4/12/2002 4:29:37 PM
tokyo, would you like to do the same thing, and count the number of insults directed at me in that one day? I didn't think so...
#10 By
3653 (
4/12/2002 8:12:36 PM
sodajerk, sodavictim, sodacracker... whatever he is... he's worn out his welcome. I'm cordial to everybody... even obvious losers... but this guy is ridiculous.
ACTIVEWIN, I don't agree that his IP should be banned... but I do wish there was an IGNORE feature here. Thoughts?
#11 By
3339 (
4/12/2002 9:05:21 PM
No, I don't think it's a matter of deserved--I think if I am attacked that I have a right to respond in kind. Is that necessary the right thing to do? No, but this is a silly little meaningless web forum... we aren't talking eye for an eye murder or anything.
#12 By
3339 (
4/12/2002 10:23:25 PM
whatever... I don't bitch about people atttacking me, I just find it hard to believe that you don't see people attacking me left and right.. I'm not sure if it's still up, but recently there was a post where there were 3 slurs directed at me before I even bothered to read it... I don't mind if you descend into a pathetic obsession with me--I try to get more information out than anything.
#13 By
3653 (
4/12/2002 11:39:58 PM
LOL. He's on the ropes. His debate has reached a new level of pathetic. Sorry sodajerk, but I've been reading your tired jabs for what seems like months now. You were given more than a reasonable amount of time to "get it out of your system". Instead, each day you grow more aggressive and detached from the reality of it all.
... patiently awaiting an IGNORE feature...