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00:03 EST/05:03 GMT | News Source:
WinBeta |
Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum |
Are you using Windows Vista? Then you might as well know that the licensed operating system installed on your machine is harvesting a healthy volume of information for Microsoft.
In this context, a program such as the Windows Genuine Advantage is the last of your concerns. In fact, in excess of 20 Windows Vista features and services are hard at work collecting and transmitting your personal data to the Redmond company.
Microsoft makes no secret about the fact that Windows Vista is gathering information. End users have little to say, and no real choice in the matter. The company does provide both a Windows Vista Privacy Statement and references within the End User License Agreement for the operating system. Combined, the resources paint the big picture over the extent of Microsoft's end user data harvest via Vista.
#1 By
3653 (
7/3/2007 5:15:22 AM
Thank God!
#2 By
9589 (
7/3/2007 6:25:27 AM
Damn! Collecting information on computer users . . . Microsoft must have been inspired by Google!
#3 By
29967 (
7/3/2007 8:39:51 AM
Nothing in that article shocks me, nor worries me. People worry way too much about big brother... If you don't want someone watching you, unplug your ethernet cable. It's that simple. Much of your personal information is transparent to: MS of course, ANY isp you connect to along each hop you take to any given website, any hacker wishing to spy on you, the government(s) of the world.... everyone. Get. Over. It.
#4 By
2960 (
7/3/2007 9:02:27 AM
eGads, #3. I sure hope everyone doesn't give up their privacy that easily.
#5 By
79274 (
7/3/2007 9:21:29 AM
its called a public IP for a reason.
Who cares if they know your windows version? Its their software not yours.
It is not like they are sending stuff like user content or other users info.
#6 By
12071 (
7/3/2007 9:39:48 AM
It's OK if Microsoft do it - it's the worst thing in the world in anyone else does it!
#5 Their software is running on YOUR hardware. As for what data they're sending...
"Microsoft may disclose personal information about you if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: "...
They obviously know something that you're not aware of, or perhaps a lot that you're not aware of!
#7 By
32132 (
7/3/2007 10:39:03 AM
"Microsoft will get your "Internet protocol address, the type of operating system, browser and name and version of the software you are using, and the language code of the device where you installed the software.""
Yup. And you give up the same info to every web server you connect to. Its in the browser info sent to each web server.
This post was edited by NotParker on Tuesday, July 03, 2007 at 10:39.
#8 By
32132 (
7/3/2007 10:41:18 AM
#6 The ... is amazingly dishonest Krissie.
The full quote:
"Microsoft may disclose personal information about you if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to:
(a) comply with the law or legal process served on Microsoft;
(b) protect and defend the rights of Microsoft (including enforcement of our agreements); or
(c) act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of Microsoft employees, users of Microsoft software or services, or members of the public,"
This post was edited by NotParker on Tuesday, July 03, 2007 at 10:41.
#10 By
15406 (
7/3/2007 12:56:09 PM
#3: Amazing.
#5: Where to start?
ts called a public IP for a reason.
The fact that an IP address is public conveys nothing more. Your street address is public, so that must obviously mean that the contents of your house are public too right?
Who cares if they know your windows version? Its their software not yours.
It's my computer and my data. It's my Internet connection that I pay for. It's not for Microsoft to use my bandwidth to report on my personal data for Microsoft's use. Their crap disclaimer is that -- crap. It looks like they claim to have the right to do as they please. Item 2 can be interpreted a zillion ways that would let them use your personal data.
It is not like they are sending stuff like user content or other users info
And you know this how?
#11 By
23275 (
7/3/2007 1:46:45 PM
Privacy matters - a lot more than is emphasized. Our industry, Micrsoft, as well as companies like Google and Yahoo, need to respect and protect that - most especially from themselves and their own interests. "Oversight" needs to be applied and mechanisms need to be in place to allow all users to understands EXACTLY and in PLAIN language, what their computers are communicating, to whom, when and how to shut it off.
Similarly, online reporting of what information each company has on each person - available to only that person, needs to be provided - after all.... they are capturing unique hashes for each machine - e.g., WGA ought to be a two-way street.
Governments DO have this responsibility and it is one of the areas of law and compliance that they need to be acting on. Big companies, like governments should fear the people - not the other way around. When either abuses this for the purposes of controlling the people or profit, then the people have not only the right to act, they have the responsibility to act.
#12 By
2960 (
7/5/2007 12:49:47 PM
We did have a chance in November 2004 to get rid of the #1 reason for Privacy loss in this country, and I'll be damned if we didn't screw it up.
#13 By
3653 (
7/6/2007 12:13:12 AM
yeah, like herman monster kerry would have done any better.
#14 By
111706 (
4/12/2008 7:26:57 PM
And if you dont belive this...
notepad %userprofile%\locals~1\tempor~1\index.dat
#15 By
111706 (
4/12/2008 7:30:55 PM
it should be:
notepad %userprofile%\locals~1\tempor~1\content.ie5\index.dat
and only if you actually use ie