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#1 By
2960 (
12/21/2006 10:24:19 AM
Hmmm.... MacOS X has always been like this.
#2 By
7754 (
12/21/2006 11:21:29 AM
I think Brandon is fishing for hits. :P Mention Apple in any way that might be perceived as negative, and prepare for the onslaught.
#3 By
71315 (
12/21/2006 1:26:51 PM
You're imagining things. OSX has always looked like this. You must just now be noticing that Aero copied elements of OSX.
#4 By
7760 (
12/21/2006 6:59:57 PM
What, exactly, are you two talking about here? MacOSX has always had windows that were transparent? I've used a fair bit of the OS going back to 10.0 and I've never seen that. What are you talking about? Brandon has a point here. Apple is run by a bunch of arrogant hypocrites.
#5 By
23275 (
12/21/2006 7:33:13 PM
#4, Yeah, it is really sad, because they don't need to do this sort of thing and their base doesn't need to continually respond as they do - there is enough merit there in what they actually do well that it isn't necessary.
I read an interesting article recently, which essentially held out that Apple wasn't real - but a carefully crafted representation that was masterfully controlled - opposite a Microsoft that "just is what it is." Most interestingly, Steve Jobs was described as a brand within a brand - a role that had taken over the man. I don't know if that is in any way true, but it was an interesting read.
On another take, transparency alone was described as not too hard to due, but the way that Microsoft's Vista treats not just that, but edge and other effects was described to me by professional designers as being "really tough" to do. Other designers responding to many posts on the subject shared similar opinions - each praising what Microsoft had accomplished.
Not knowing much at all about what they were talking about, I can only defer to some of our own guys that stated how hard Vista's Aero interface was to build and sustain so fluidly.
Personally, I hope both Apple and MS continue to borrow from one another - I think it has made each better than they would otherwise be. Still, looking at each platform side by side, I have to say, Vista looks a lot more attractive and while that does not matter to me a whole lot, it was evident that OSX looked dated by comparison.
#6 By
71077 (
12/22/2006 9:37:39 AM
After looking at the screen shots, I see nothing about the UI that is different than Tiger on my MacBook. Yes, believe it or not, transparency has been in OSX since it's first release. I'm no Mac evangelist, I use windows to get the job done and the Mac for my photos, movies and music as well as .mac. Can't we all just get along?
#7 By
23275 (
12/22/2006 11:45:46 AM
#6, No, and they shouldn't. It's business and in a free market that means companies compete.
If they didn't everything would look like the EU's healthcare system - where their heads of state run to the United States when they need open heart surgery.
From the outside it can look like an adult only episode of National Geographic's "Lions Behaving Badly" - Lion's slowly eating a baby elephant that was still alive - not needing to kill it. because it was already down - so why waste the energy <Yow!> - still... said lions, whether they knew it or not, had made a business decision.
We have to be careful - we can't simply assume that any industry will just continue to churn out great products that will eventually address exactly and all that we want, and also expect each of them to act as though there is no need to compete. If they do, we suck on IE 6 for five years, and see nothing truly evolutionary happen across the iPod line for the same amount of time.
If companies train up, eat their veggies and prepare for close combat, we get treated with Gears of War, Hybrid Hard Drives, and crazy fast computers that move ever more closely to photo-realistic software experiences.
I don't want Microsoft and Apple to get along. I don't want them to break any laws, either, but breaking hearts? You bet. I love it when Apple sticks Microsoft with a straight left and Microsoft strikes back with a crushing overhand right. I want them both running and gunning every second of every day, just to stay alive.
I think that is what I love most about business - small business. Every day is a bugger - just to stay alive. December's three payroll hit... bring it on... end of year renewals... draw the line and cross it, if you dare... endless price pressure from monster OEM's turning out systems that each day look better and better... <Yikes> - ok fine, do that, too - I'll just support mine better... it's all the same - it's brutal and it must be or we're all just one big bag of generic white-box corn flakes hanging out in the bottom row in the cereal isle. Competition can make one feel alive. Sure losing sucks - it's supposed to, but the chance one has to win feels even better.
Get along? No. Obey the law? Always! Compete? They better, or we'll all move onto those that do.
#8 By
61 (
12/24/2006 7:16:19 PM
#8, which was introduced in 2000.
#9 By
71077 (
1/5/2007 10:08:03 AM
#7 I didn't mean for Microsoft and Apple to get along. For the most part, they do. Microsoft would have major problems if they didn't have Apple and others competing with them for market share. Microsoft needs to make sure that Apple stays in business.
I meant I'd like to see the users out there get along. I get tired of the constant retoric of this company stole from that company. What's worse is, most people don't know the facts, they just take what someone else says as gospel and repeat it.