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09:32 EST/14:32 GMT | News Source:
ActiveWin.com |
Posted By: Robert Stein |
Is your business ready for Windows Vista? Learn the basics about this pivotal release and test your knowledge by taking Windows Vista 101.
#1 By
15406 (
7/10/2006 11:01:58 AM
"Is your business ready for Windows Vista?"
In my experience, the answer would be 'No'. Most businesses that I've worked for, and my wife and friends, the desktop computers are usually ancient. Developers, engineers and senior management get the fast systems, everyone else gets the dregs from yesteryear. My current desktop here at the orifice is a P3-500. It can barely run XP. While we have a fast build system, local compiles can take forever.
#2 By
3653 (
7/10/2006 11:42:29 AM
i believed you right up until "wife and friends"
who are u kidding?
#3 By
15406 (
7/10/2006 12:53:35 PM
#2: OK, you're on to me. I'm really Bill Gates. I post anti-MS stuff to test Parkkkkker's loyalty.
#4 By
32132 (
7/10/2006 3:11:47 PM
#1 "Developers, engineers and senior management get the fast systems, everyone else gets the dregs from yesteryear. My current desktop here at the orifice is a P3-500."
That makes you the coffee boy, right?
1 cream, 1 sweetener Latch.
#5 By
32132 (
7/10/2006 3:12:23 PM
#2 Ouch. But funny.
#6 By
2960 (
7/10/2006 3:50:15 PM
Well, given past history, if Vista ships in Jan 2007 as scheduled, it will be right around 2009/2010 before corporate america embraces it.
The necessary RAM upgrades alone are going to set it back for years. Enterprise won't upgrade tens of thousands of computers just to run Vista properly. They'll wait until the majority of machines have been refreshed, and that indeed takes years.
#7 By
15406 (
7/10/2006 4:32:56 PM
#4: Wrong, as per usual ad infinatum. Have you ever been right in your life, Parkkkker? You sure were wrong about Firefox, which has now gone over 13% market share. I thought you said it would never get over 8% a year or two ago. And all your predictions about the demise of Linux, as it grows and grows...
#8 By
32132 (
7/10/2006 5:10:02 PM
#7 Linux - 1% market share year after year after year. I wouldn't call that growth!
Coffee boy, there are as many IE7 users as there are Linux users. This week. Wait another week or two, and IE7's share will be double that of Linux.
#9 By
28801 (
7/10/2006 5:36:18 PM
#7: 13% - if that is indeed true then probably 80% of that 13% also use internet explorer!
#10 By
3653 (
7/10/2006 11:14:21 PM
taking only latch's own comments, let me summarize...
coffee boy < latch < developers < engineers < management
which leads me to deduce that...
latch = the guy trusted only to set up the projector for sales demos
but thats too long to say, so I'm going with "coffee boy". say hello to your new name latch.
This post was edited by mooresa56 on Monday, July 10, 2006 at 23:16.
#11 By
37047 (
7/11/2006 8:46:47 AM
NotParker and mooresa56:
You seem to think that a software development company must only be comprised of managers, developers, and a coffee person. I'd really hate to work where you are working. Most normal IT companies have a sales department, a marketing department (sometimes as part of the sales department), an R&D department, a QA / testing department, a technical support department, shipping and receiving department, etc.
Your comments illustrate perfectly your narrow-mindedness and your limited imagination. That explains much about the poor quality of your postings and lack of insight much of the time.
#12 By
32132 (
7/11/2006 12:03:19 PM
#11 "I'd really hate to work where you are working. "
Me too. I'd hate it if you were working where I work. It would certainly be a dreary place if you and coffee boy spent your time claiming I was in the KKK because I don't use Firefox.
Thats so insightful!
Its nice to see donut boy standing up for coffee boy.
#13 By
37047 (
7/11/2006 12:38:49 PM
Another insightful comment by Parker.
And for the record, I have never stated or insinuated that you are a member of the KKK. I doubt they'd want you as a member, anyway. I think you are a Bill Gates ass-licker, not a racist. There is a distinct difference. If you'd unglue your lips from Bill Gates's rectum long enough, you'd be able to see that.
It is interesting how you and mooresa56 will decend into personal attacks when you don't have any valid arguments against someone who is posting an on-topic comment. And yes, I realize I am doing this too, as a result of messages 2-5 and 7-12. The irony is not lost on me at all. Consequently, I am going to refrain from any more off-topic posts in this thread.
#14 By
37047 (
7/11/2006 1:49:03 PM
#6: I would also imagine that most people will not rush out and purchase a copy of it as soon as it hits store shelves. Most people will likely upgrade to Vista when they buy a new machine, and it comes with Vista pre-loaded. Otherwise, why bother? There are currently no must-have applications that would make anyone upgrade right away. The improved eye-candy is nice, but requires a pretty high-end video card, so only the video gamer set will have the necessary hardware to run Vista at full capability.
My current home hardware doesn't even come close to meeting the minimal requirements, so Vista is a complete non-starter for me, until I purchase new hardware sometime in the future. For what I use a PC for, XP has worked well for me. My only complaint about my current setup is that I could use a better video card, and a more powerful processor and faster memory. Those will be the things that convince me to upgrade my hardware, not a new operating system.
#15 By
32132 (
7/11/2006 3:03:41 PM
Poor donut boy ... so pathetic.
#16 By
15406 (
7/11/2006 5:00:46 PM
#15: That's the best you can come up with?
#17 By
3653 (
7/12/2006 1:09:19 AM
i'll take my coffee black, no sugar. and no backtalk either.
#18 By
37047 (
7/12/2006 10:15:25 AM
#19 By
3653 (
7/12/2006 9:08:08 PM
i'll take two glazed mysticsentinels and a hot cup of latch please.
This post was edited by mooresa56 on Thursday, July 13, 2006 at 00:24.