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14:30 EST/19:30 GMT | News Source:
ActiveWin.com |
Posted By: Brian Kvalheim |
However, despite the milestone, Firefox has lost momentum in its market share gains versus Microsoft's Internet Explorer after initially gaining a few percentage points. In September Firefox lost another three quarters of a percentage point - its second loss in three months. The open-source browser's market take is down from 8.71 percent in June to 7.55 percent as of the end of September.
#1 By
3746 (
10/20/2005 2:53:32 PM
yeah i have downloaded it a ton of times and I have know a lot people that have but don't really use it on a regular basis.
#2 By
3653 (
10/20/2005 3:04:27 PM
"downloaded it a ton of times"
exactly, and they are pretending that you should be counted for each of those times. its a scam.
market share is going down? that must be because msft just started bundling IE into windows. Oh wait, that not true.
Then it must be because MSFT has released a bug that only affects firefox? Hmm, nope, but firefox does have a good number of bugs w/o MSFT's help.
or perhaps george bush's hurricane machine has something to do with it. Yeah, thats it.
This post was edited by mooresa56 on Thursday, October 20, 2005 at 15:06.
#3 By
32132 (
10/20/2005 3:16:59 PM
"In a development that could upset Firefox fans, at least one major provider of browser usage statistics is now saying that market share numbers for Firefox may have been artificially inflated due to the way tracking tools were recognizing the new Netscape browser from March to July of this year.
Netscape 8.0 allows for a user to view Web sites with either Firefox's Gecko or Internet Explorer's display engine, but Gecko is used by default. Because of this capability, Netscape was reporting itself as being a Mozilla browser rather than Netscape itself. The bug was fixed in Netscape version 8.02 released in July, AOL said, which would account for the drop in usage of Firefox and jump in Netscape usage in many surveys following the update.
Netscape saw its market share artificially drop from 1.8 percent in March to 1.5 percent in July, but then rebound to 2.2 percent the next month following the fix, according to statistics from NetApplications. The company says much of this increase had to do with the reporting bug."
#4 By
3 (
10/20/2005 3:19:16 PM
Why is it you guys have to knock anything that isn't microsoft. You do know that without Firefox there would be no new version of Internet Explorer on the way in the future, why do you think Microsoft have decided to create it? Was it due to user demand? no it was due to Firefox showing how new features can improve a browser over a companies one that was redundant of ideas.
Don't knock it, yes its not likely to be as good as the next version of IE will be, but currently its better than anything else around right now.
#5 By
37 (
10/20/2005 3:24:50 PM
"but currently its better than anything else around right now"
Everyone is entitled to their "opinion" ;-)
#6 By
32132 (
10/20/2005 3:24:59 PM
"You do know that without Firefox there would be no new version of Internet Explorer on the way in the future,"
Not true. IE 6 for XP SP2 was a "new browser" ... but all the new features were security features.
And IE 7 was coming for Vista anyway.
What I don't understand Byron is why you are promoting Firefox when it has so many security holes ... and so many lies told about Firefox being "secure"?
Firefox is just a pretty face on 10 years of crappy insecure Netscape code. They should have taken all the money they spent on ads and creating a commercial company and spent it on a security review and rewrite.
#7 By
15406 (
10/20/2005 3:57:42 PM
#6: At least your nonsense is consistent.
#8 By
37 (
10/20/2005 4:37:55 PM
As opposed to your inconsistent nonsense?
#9 By
10896 (
10/20/2005 10:09:38 PM
The end of Firefox and I feel fine. The many security vulnerabilities have convinced users to stop using that piece of crap. It is falling faster now then it was ever rising. Cant wait till it gets back to it's share of 3%.
#10 By
9589 (
10/20/2005 10:26:38 PM
Doh! lol
#11 By
2960 (
10/21/2005 10:25:11 AM
Funny, when it was stated that FireFox could be set to report as IE, it wasn't a big deal.
Now it is?
#12 By
7754 (
10/21/2005 10:25:21 AM
Byron--consider the source. ;) Not everyone who is (or tends to be) pro-Microsoft here is anti-everything else. I like Firefox a lot, although I find myself using both (perhaps IE 7 will change that... don't know). And you're totally right--Firefox kicked IE back into a meaningful existence. We can all be thankful for that, in one way or another.
#13 By
2960 (
10/21/2005 10:26:28 AM
"Not true. IE 6 for XP SP2 was a "new browser" ... but all the new features were security features. "
And the pressure from FireFox's popup blocking abilities had nothing to do with it :)
#14 By
13030 (
10/21/2005 10:33:55 AM
#4: its better than anything else around right now.
Agreed. I switched about a year and half ago (maybe earlier).
#5: Everyone is entitled to their "opinion" ;-)
Unless it questions the superiority of MS.
#6: Go back to running network cables--your understanding of the software development process is laughable. And, yes, your nonsense is very consistent... almost a cut-and-paste feel to it.
#10: The end of Firefox and I feel fine.
The product got MS off their butts and forced them to introduce improvements they could have years ago. As a MS shareholder, I demand proactive action and innovation not reaction and subversion. You should too... unless you're just a MS zealot.
#15 By
37 (
10/21/2005 11:39:39 AM
"#5: Everyone is entitled to their "opinion" ;-)
Unless it questions the superiority of MS."
Why is that? You have double standards?
#16 By
37 (
10/21/2005 4:59:40 PM
#17 you just don't get it, do you. You wanna try that again?
This post was edited by AWBrian on Friday, October 21, 2005 at 17:11.