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09:52 EST/14:52 GMT | News Source:
Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Jonathan Tigner |
Summer is finally here, and for many Americans that means barbecues, pool parties and, of course, road trips. But with the high price of gas, even a short road trip can leave drivers feeling a lot lighter in the wallet. People tired of emptying their wallets every time they fill up the tank can now turn to a free service on MSN® at http://www.autos.msn.com/ that makes it easy to find less expensive gas in their area. The customized service analyzes prices at 30,000 gas stations daily. All consumers have to do is type in their ZIP code, and MSN will tell them less expensive places to fill up.
With gas prices in many places around $2 a gallon, the savings can be significant. On Tuesday, June 29, just a few days before the start of the July Fourth weekend, gas in Los Angeles ranged from $2.25 per gallon to $2.70 per gallon. Owners of a sport utility vehicle with a 25-gallon gas tank could save more than $11 if they knew which station to visit.
#1 By
9156 (
6/30/2004 3:42:23 PM
What gives you the right to call the president an idiot? You claim "freedom of speech", “Freedom of press”? Where do you think that came from? We had to/have to fight for our freedoms. How do you think a democratic president would have handled 9/11? Sent Osoma and Sadaam a gift basket to reassure them that we are nice people and please don’t be mean to us?
George may not have everything right, but no president ever will. However, I think G.W's approach to things is much better then a democratic (roll over and ignore) approach. And save the flames, there is nothing democratic about personal attacks. However, if you want to send a gift basket....
#2 By
135 (
7/1/2004 12:40:44 AM
I could argue point by point. But what's the use?
Kerry is going to win in November by a landslide, because the American people are starting to pay attention and they are realizing that the Republican party does not stand for American Values.
The comments here are evidence of that. Sheesh.
I can't believe what you guys pulled at Abu Ghraib.
#4 By
19992 (
7/1/2004 8:03:44 AM
#11 The alternate parties are so far on the fringes of American culture that they are generally regarded as wierdos.
#5 By
19992 (
7/1/2004 8:17:21 AM
#13 & 14
I've seen it. It's quite amusing watching the people that walk out of there believing everything Moore had to say/imply. The sad truth is that this is a film more appropriately attributed to the likes of Leni Riefenstahl as far as presentation is concerned. That's right it's a propoganda piece. And not a very good one at that. Most of Moores arguements don't hold up to more than 5 minutes of scrutiny.
For past proofs of this look at BfC when he made Heston look like a racist. For thos of you that don't know, Heston was a loud supporter for civil rights (he marched with MLK, helped break Hollywoods color barrier and picketed discriminating restaurants). Hardly the act of a racist, yet with the editing that Moore performs many people walked away with the impression that Heston is not only an idiot but a racist as well.
#6 By
19992 (
7/1/2004 11:43:57 AM
"but there was this problem with the ballot machines, and this certain republican lady named katherine graham who declared bush winner in florida"
Katherine Harris. And legally, Bush won the vote in Florida. I'm sorry you don't like the outcome, but that doesn't change the facts.
"I don't think moore implied heston was a racist, if that's the conclusion you arrived, it's only yours to make."
You need to watch the movie again. I'm aware of at least two movie reviewers who walked out with the same impression. Here is a transcript of Moores interview of Heston.
Moore: But you don't have any opinion as to why we're the unique country, the only country that does this? That kills each other at this level with guns.
Heston: Well, we have, probably a more mixed ethnicity, than other countries, some other countries
Moore: ...So you think it's an ethnic thing?
Heston: Well, I don't think it's -- I wouldn't go as far as to say that. We had enough problems with civil rights in the beginning...
Moore: Well whadda you think -- when you say it's a mixed ethnicity - I don't understand
Heston: You said that how is it that--
Moore: --that we're unique--
Heston: --that so many Americans kill each other. I don't know that that's true.
"knitting together bits and pieces into one single pack for the americans to see what a crook they have for president."
That's exactly the problem. He takes several seperate interviews and knits them together into one interview in order to falsely present his 'evidence'.
"And what about the sons and daugthers of the republicans who voted for the war? It doenst matter there was not draft, it was the moral duty to go if they were any consistent with their words."
Last time I checked children are not required to hold the same beliefs as their parents. Even assuming that this is no longer the case, why are you singling out Republicans for this? Why aren't any kids of the Democrats currently serving? Why isn't Chelsea on the front lines?
"Only from crappy cities like flynt, or the many less fortunate cities in the US do the soldier who "fight for freedom" come from."
Yeah, I like how he focused that the black men were in the sights of Bush to go to war for America. Yet, oddly all of the American soldiers seen in Iraq are white...
This post was edited by happyguy on Thursday, July 01, 2004 at 11:53.
#7 By
19992 (
7/1/2004 12:34:01 PM
#20 "Have you been in iraq? How can you tell that? Oh, did you see that on the american news networks? that's probably were you got it from. You only know what you see from the american media."
Now you're quoting me out of context (moore would be so proud). I'll clarify for you 'in F911 all American soldiers shown in Iraq are white'. Moore is a hypocrite and a liar.
"That shows what a limited view you have, like most of the ignorant americans who supported that war"
Your (purposeful?) misunderstanding of my statement shows that I'm ignorant? That's great to know.
"It's very courageous to vote for a war and then send someone else to fight it, like most congresspeople did."
News flash - That's how most every government works. I can't say I'm aware of any government body voting for war and then sending Congress and the president off to fight it.
"If you approve an illegal war, have the balls to go fight it, not send someone else."
How is the war illegal? The war is legal from an american court point of view. I'm unfamiliar with the intricacies of the UN to declare one way or another.
"I didn't see any son or daughter of any republican congressperson standing in the anti-war protests, or speaking out against the illegal war efforts, or asking "where are the WMD in iraq?"."
I don't recall seeing the children of any Democrats protesting either. Not until Kerry stepped up his campaign do I recall seeing a bit of news on his daughter (step duaghter, I don't remember) protesting. Does that mean that she didn't protest the war? No, nor does it mean that no children of Republican senators and reps. protested either. You're really stretching on this one.
"And no wonder they were eager for war, since bush didn't serve any time in the military, nor cheney did, they are ignorant of how the world works, and on war."
The same ignorant claims could be made about Clinton, yet oddly enough I never hear people state that he was ignorant of how the world works due to his lack of military service.
This post was edited by happyguy on Thursday, July 01, 2004 at 12:41.
#8 By
19992 (
7/1/2004 4:21:18 PM
"so, you're source for the statistical data on soldiers fighting in iraq comes from the liar's movie."
Amazing how bad things sound when you take it out of context. Here I'll post it all again with my later clarification.
Yeah, I like how he focused that the black men were in the sights of Bush to go to war for America. Yet, oddly in F911 all American soldiers shown in Iraq are white'...
"And the american news networks too, funny you didn't refute that argument. "
What argument? You took my words out of context. I thought I had refuted your arguement by getting you back on topic. I'm not going to chase down every strawman youi throw my way.
"not even gonna refute that plain stupid statement. that wasn't what I meant. Are you so literal?"
I'm sorry that your original comment was so stupid that my response was subpar. Perhaps if you would say what you mean and mean what you say this wouldn't be an issue, no?
"The UN security counsel never approved the war efforts"
That's up in the air at the moment. IIRC there is currently a debate about prior languange in resolutions pertaining to Iraq. At this point nobody knows if the American invasion of Iraq was legal or not. Nice attempt to misdeirect people on that one. Unfortunately, you're wrong.
"at least clinton didn't invade illegally a country"
Who said he did?
"that had nothing to do with alqaeda and osama"
If I recall one of the arguements Powell made before the UNSC was that Iraq was harboring Al-Zarqawi who is suspected of having ties to Al-Qaeda. Guess what? He's the a**hole responsible for blowing up convoys in Iraq.
"The "democracts did it too" argument doesn't hold anything."
It does in the context of their children protesting the war/serving in the military or not. You are the one singling one party as those solely responsible in this, not me.
Edits are for spelling and typos
This post was edited by happyguy on Thursday, July 01, 2004 at 19:09.
#9 By
135 (
7/2/2004 1:05:13 AM
happyguy/msucks - The crime in Florida had nothing to do with the ballots or recounting.
It was Katherine Harris purging the voting rolls of eligible people.
It's sad, but the Republican party is not trusting enough of their arguments to want people to vote. So they pull stunts like purging people off the lists, and making the tone of the debate so hateful that it turns people off.
#10 By
19992 (
7/2/2004 7:45:03 AM
Wrong. It was under orders from the Florida legislature that the voting lists were purged. This was done since the Miami mayoral elections had set something of a record in voting fraud. Katherine Harris was only doing what the Florida legislature mandated.
The lists were purged due to felons and dead people voting in elections. You can try to point this out as a republican conspiracy all you want, but the fact remains at that time the Florida legislature was controlled by the Democrats.
In those counties that ignored the purge lists a large number of convicted (and verified) felons and dead people cast their votes for (primarily) Al Gore.
While you may be able to argue that the law preventing felons from voting is wrong, you cannot coherently argue that the state had no right to enforce their own laws.
#11 By
19992 (
7/2/2004 8:38:28 AM
#30 quoted from your own link
"according to a study conducted by the Palm Beach Post, "[t]housands of felons voted in the presidential election . . . [who] almost certainly influenced the . . . election" in favor of former vice president Al Gore. According to the Post, this estimated number of illegal voters far outnumbered the persons who allegedly could not vote because they were erroneously removed from the voter rolls."
Some of the confucion seems to have come from the fact that many criminals (felons) use aliases. Many of these aliases match up to a real persons identity which would of course red flag them. I'm not claiming that there were some suspicious results in the voter purge, however, it was mandated by the Democratic Florida Legislature and part of the provision mandated by the Dems. was to use a third party (a company as opposed to a gov't agency) to perform the analysis.
The idea that this was a move by the republicans to disenfranchise voters is ridiculous.
This post was edited by happyguy on Friday, July 02, 2004 at 10:18.
#12 By
19992 (
7/2/2004 10:27:00 AM
Hrm.. This kind of rebuts Moores and mssucks contention that the American Congress didn't 'have the balls to go fight the war' (mssucks words - paraphrased accurately I hope).
"Are Congressional children less likely to serve in Iraq than children from other families? Let’s use Moore’s methodology, and ignore members of extended families (such as nephews - Like Rep. Kennedys) and also ignore service anywhere expect Iraq (even though U.S. forces are currently fighting terrorists in many countries). And like Moore, let us also ignore the fact that some families (like Rep. Castle’s - shown in F911 talking on cell phone waving Moore away) have no children, or no children of military age.
We then see that of 535 Congressional families, there was one (Brooks Johnson) with a child who served in Iraq. How does this compare with American families in general? In the summer of 2003, U.S. troop levels in Iraq were raised to 145,000. If we factor in troop rotation, we could estimate that about 300,000 people have served in Iraq at some point. According to the Census Bureau, there were 104,705,000 households in the United States in 2000. (See Table 1 of the Census Report.) So the ratio of ordinary U.S. households to Iraqi service personnel is 104,705,000 to 300,000. This reduces to a ratio of 349:1.
In contrast the ratio of Congressional households to Iraqi service personnel is 535:1.
Stated another way, a Congressional household is about one-third less likely than an ordinary household to be closely related to an Iraqi serviceman or servicewoman. In other words, the gap between the service rates of Congressional children and of other people’s children is vastly less than the gap that Moore falsely suggests."
#13 By
19992 (
7/3/2004 1:03:53 PM
#33 Read a paper. Al-Quada members were training in Iraq for a situation exactly resembling 9/11. At a trainign base complete with the body of a Russian passenger jet for them to practive over taking an airplanes crew and subduing the passengers.