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10:39 EST/15:39 GMT | News Source:
Posted By: Byron Hinson |
The Justice Department announced Thursday that it no longer is interested in seeking a court-ordered breakup of software giant Microsoft. The department also said it will not pursue the bundling issues in its protracted antitrust suit against the software giant. The agency is taking these steps to obtain “prompt, effective and certain relief for consumers,” it said in a press release.The release follows a judge’s order for the two sides to produce a joint status report by Sept. 14. The government told Microsoft that it does not intend to pursue a breakup and will drop the bundling issue to “facilitate consultations” in the joint report, the department said. The about-face wasn’t totally unexpected. At the time of his confirmation hearings to be attorney general, John Ashcroft hedged when asked repeatedly by senators about the government’s commitment to pursuing the lawsuit against Microsoft.
#1 By
1124 (
9/6/2001 11:54:16 AM
Bush is at least looking at the bottom line(thank God for his advisers). The case helped to put the economy in the hole we are in today. They should just settle the rest out of court, because now they have no case.
#2 By
135 (
9/6/2001 12:10:24 PM
I'm not a real fan of our Kelly Temporary Services President...
But give me a break. This was coming, we all knew it. The DOJ's case simply was not sound enough to justify a breakup order.
It was a decision between doing something within the next year, or spending 6 years in court.
#3 By
135 (
9/6/2001 1:18:44 PM
Oh please... #11
And where are these great products? I don't particularly like any of the companies you just mentioned.
Netscape was crap.
Roxio creates crap.
AOL? Nothing but crap.
Sun? Talk about a company full of itself. Some good products, but very overpriced.
Zone Labs... not bad, but why do you think this functionality shouldn't be in the OS?
Real Networks. Ok, I do like Real. They just happen to have some problems because they are anti-consumer.
Nullsoft. I use Musicmatch and will continue to do so. I don't like Windows media player, nor do I like Winamp.
IBM. I have not had very good experiences with this company except for their Mainframe division. Most recently I've struggled with some of the third party pieces they sell under the IBM label as upgrades to PCs. Very hard to find support, drivers, etc.
#4 By
135 (
9/6/2001 1:21:25 PM
BTW, the articles don't seem to emphasize this point, but...
The DOJ is also not going to seek rehearings on the product tying issue.
In other words, they've given up on the lame Browser argument and instead are going to focus on other issues. Which makes sense as there are some actual important issues to deal with and I don't think it's right to tell a company what features they can or cannot put into their product.
#5 By
135 (
9/6/2001 5:11:14 PM
Hey Anonymous Coward #11 and #19
I call stuff crap if I can back it up. Do you want to argue that the products put out by Netscape, AOL, Roxio are as high of quality as what Microsoft produces?
I didn't think so.
Netscape 6 is an improvement, but it is still subpar compared to IE 5.5.
Nero has a minority share in the CD-RW market. You were complaining about how Roxio was going to lose business because they licensed their software to WinXP. I haven't figured why you think that, but whatever.
I never said MSN wasn't crap. It's an example of a choice. I have a choice, and I don't use MSN. Nor do I use AOL. Why? Because I think they are both crap.
As for Sun. No prices don't determine quality. Bad CPUs installed in million dollar E10000 computers that take down Ebay Oracle servers when they fail determine quality.
As for Real. They are far more anti-consumer than Microsoft. Do you understand why Real is losing marketshare to Microsoft? Because Real wants content providers to stamp their name over everything, including the streaming video... Microsoft doesn't.
Musicmatch uses more resources because it does more. I use it because I prefer the way it manages my music.
I guess the point is, everything looks black and white in your little world. But you live in some sort of fantasy, and the reality is these companies Microsoft supposedly hurt shot themselves in the foot.
#6 By
135 (
9/6/2001 5:12:41 PM
BTW, as far as Zone Alarm.
How do you think they survive as a business?
They give a basic product away for free. If you want more, you pay for it.
So how does Microsoft integrating a similar basic product into the OS and including it essentially for free impact Zone Alarm in any way?
#7 By
116 (
9/6/2001 10:45:02 PM
Man doesn't it feel great to *win*.
Break out the champagne boys!!!
#8 By
116 (
9/7/2001 9:07:32 AM
Baloney, that is a big win for MS. Huge. Gargantuan. I bet that really pisses you off eh? What then? What then? Thats right, you just became MS little b***ch.
Ha ha ha. Man thats funny.
#9 By
116 (
9/7/2001 4:56:33 PM
Thats your comeback? Thats the best you can do?
Try again little boy.