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16:22 EST/21:22 GMT | News Source:
Reuters |
Posted By: Robert Stein |
Here's the pitch for what could be your next PC: No Microsoft, no Intel -- and almost no markup.
By dropping software from Microsoft Corp.MSFT.O and avoiding "Intel inside," retailer Wal-Mart Stores Inc.WMT.N is offering a $199 computer it says is a hot seller on its Web site, attracting novices looking for a way onto the Internet as well as high-end users wanting a second box.
The promise of a PC replacement -- slimmed down to surf the Web and carry out limited tasks -- has long tantalized the tech world but failed to generate many sales, especially as prices of name brand computers have slid.
The Wal-Mart machines are full-fledged, if low-powered, computers, but they are not loaded with Microsoft's Windows software or the best known microchips -- meaning that the average user will not get exactly what he or she is used to.
#1 By
8589 (
12/8/2002 5:05:40 PM
I think this is cool. A computer that will get people connected to the Internet. Now all we need to do is kill dial-up. If people were forced to use Cable or DSL, they would. And once they used Broadband, they would never go back. Dial-up SUX big time.
#2 By
9589 (
12/8/2002 10:02:49 PM
This $199 PC article is being spammed everywhere. Unfortunately, in one of these articles the author let it be known that Walmart was only selling a couple of thousand a month. At that unit sell rate, this just isn't a story worth telling - unless you want to write it up as a disaster! LOL
Meanwhile, I was flipping the channels last night and happened on HSN. There, they had sold over 10,000 Gateway computers during a 24 hour period with two one half hour specials.
In other words, Gateway through HSN sold more PCs in 24 hours then Walmart of their $199 PC will sell in 4 or 5 months! Of course, you won't find that story spammed across the popular tech press. The big question is why?
#3 By
1845 (
12/9/2002 1:33:39 AM
From a user perspective "dupe" is someone, like you, who uses aliases. bas_, I mean USA_is_the_best, I mean bwoa, I mean eagle, I mean Lindows_rules, etc.
Generally speaking, "dupe" means "duplicate".
#4 By
7754 (
12/9/2002 2:44:23 AM
nomdlev, once again, you are dead wrong--why not simply own up to it???
Here's some more bedtime reading for you:
Summary: "Basically, the 1.25 GHz dual G4 PowerMac is slower than most high end PCs (including single-processor ones)."
Also, it is indicated there that the new IBM PPC 970 chip is posting SPEC numbers equivalent to that of a Pentium IV 2.8 GHz; in other words, by the time it's released, it will be well behind the then-current IBM and AMD offerings.
Another nice quote: "Apple's claim 'The PowerPC G4 won renown as the first supercomputer on a chip, with a sustained performance of over one gigaflop,' is simply wrong."
Check it out, nomdlev... please.
As for this article: "We've basically taken this as far as you can go without being prosecuted." Kinda tells you the innovation that's going on in that community, doesn't it??? Basically, their tactic is to call Microsoft every name in the book for alleged stealing, then go and steal intellectual property themselves. Pure hypocrisy.
#5 By
5444 (
12/9/2002 10:43:52 AM
is this the famous G5 chip that languages in Moto's labs, or is this the IBM chip which is a future generation and not currently available in any Apple computer.
Please Explain Current. and which chip you are talking about. While the latest G4 put out are very nice. they still fall short of either of the latest AMD and Intel Releases except perhaps in graphic benchmarks. Which any sane person knows you off load to a GPU anyway :)
#6 By
7754 (
12/9/2002 12:12:24 PM
nomdlev, I'm confused--essentially you're saying that you're committed to lying for the sole purpose of trying to steer people who use Windows to use OS X? Brilliant. Yeah, I guess SPEC is biased, too. Please.
If anything, you just cast distrust towards the Apple community, and are doing more harm towards your cause than good in the end.
#7 By
135 (
12/9/2002 12:55:20 PM
Zombie9920 - That report was biased, because the tests weren't setup to make the Mac win.
[Yeah, parse that sentence... that's seriously the Mac response to it. :)]
#8 By
1845 (
12/9/2002 3:25:07 PM
baarod (#25) right you are.