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00:36 EST/05:36 GMT | News Source:
World Tech Tribune |
Posted By: Robert Stein |
Remember how wonderful everyone thought the “Windows-to-Mac” TV ads from Apple were in the summer? You remember, stories of real people telling their real stories about how a $50 OEM copy Windows on their $999 Dell Inspiron ruined their lives until a $99 copy of OS X installed on their $1,799 iBook offered a kind of salvation previously only available for those baptized in the River Jordan? Well, Microsoft posted an ad about a real person doing a “Mac-to-Windows” switch last week that German-owned tech news website CNET News.com says is phony and paid for by Microsoft marketing.
#1 By
1845 (
10/17/2002 12:59:20 AM
Hmm, so perhaps Apple's real people aren't so real after all.
#2 By
2459 (
10/17/2002 1:12:11 AM
I was right!!! Even about the NDA.
#3 By
2459 (
10/17/2002 1:12:50 AM
Also more proof of CNET/ZDNet's bias.
#4 By
135 (
10/17/2002 1:15:17 AM
Heh. Interesting article, and I agree with the sentiments, but...
I'd not heard of this World Tech Tribune before, so I poked around the site. Kind of humourous, it almost seems like a British tabloid, but they link to American tabloid sites like Drudge, Washington Times and World Net Daily.
The problem with news.com is obviously poor quality journalism. But this site seems to support even worse quality journalism. Seems like a case of "With friends like these, who needs enemies." :-)
#5 By
1845 (
10/17/2002 1:21:33 AM
If they aren't lying about the Apple switcher folks, then on the merits of this article alone, I'm satisfied.
#6 By
1845 (
10/17/2002 1:24:52 AM
You rule, n! Guess this puts Apple in the same boat as Microsoft. I wonder if they'll offer an apology.
#8 By
2459 (
10/17/2002 1:29:27 AM
Just noticed that the page link is called applegate :-)
#9 By
1845 (
10/17/2002 1:30:29 AM
From the Tony Hawk ad "You don't have to use a computer, you can use a Mac." Lol. So Macs aren't computers?
#10 By
2459 (
10/17/2002 1:52:28 AM
Actually I think he says, "You know how to use a computer, you can use a Mac."
I thought he said, "You don't know how to use a computer, you can use a Mac." the first time I saw the commercial. But all three statements imply the same thing: The Mac is not a computer. :-)
This post was edited by n4cer on Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 01:52.
#11 By
1845 (
10/17/2002 2:08:24 AM
Tee hee. Ya either way, the result is the same.
#12 By
1845 (
10/17/2002 2:24:34 AM
Did I miss something, Richard? We are very aware of what Microsoft did (thanks for the recap, I guess). The point of this article is two fold - Apple has been equally unethical in its campaign, and that CNet is a very biased news source.
#14 By
135 (
10/17/2002 10:24:42 AM
James - Good points. The Apple switch campaign was targetted towards Mac Zealots, not new users.
It's a weakness that Apple has never figured out how to get past.
#15 By
1845 (
10/17/2002 3:57:25 PM
This article is about which OS is better, James. This article is about bias in journalism and about unethical advertising.
#16 By
7760 (
10/17/2002 7:37:16 PM
Good point, Tripwire. Since NDA stands for "Non-Disclosure Agreement," what does Apple not want the "real people" to disclose? Oh yeah... it's that they're not what they appear to be. There'd be absolutely no reason to force them to sign an NDA if they were really as ordinary and their stories as genuine and honest as they would lead us to believe.
#17 By
1845 (
10/17/2002 8:29:18 PM
Thanks for the links, XML.
#18 By
10022 (
10/17/2002 10:59:55 PM
OS X is to slow to be usefull. so what if some highly optimized photoshop filter run a little faster when it takes 10 or 15 second for a folder to open or a dialog box to appear. 10.2.x did not make it speedy. ive seen XP at 400 MHz and it is way more responsive than X at the same MHz (which apple claims is like an 800MHz PIII). NO WAY does a 700 MHz PPC beat a 700 MHz PIII in basic OS interaction. NO WAY!
Any one who bought any of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th generation iMacs cant possibly be pleased with the way OS X runs on them. that new flat screen modle is ok but no way does it compare to a 700 MHz PIII running XP. and NO WAY does that 700 MHz iMac at work out perform my 1200 MHz Athlon. native OS X apps take for ever to load. Word 2002 takes about... actually it just pops right up in maybe 1 or 2 seconds.
now maybe a dual Ghz G4 loaded with RAM is better, but not for $3000 or what ever they are.
and Auqa just sucks ass. at least you can turn of Luna
#19 By
1845 (
10/17/2002 11:49:27 PM
Wow, this is the first negative review of 10.2 that I've heard.
#20 By
2459 (
10/18/2002 1:00:25 PM
Check out http://www.macosx.com Bob.
You'll find plenty of complaints about the speed of the OS, even when run on the Dual GHz and on Quartz Extreme supported platforms. Apple just needs new hardware. No way can a G4 with 133MHz bus compare to a P4 w/ 533MHZ bus. My system (Athlon TB 800) doesn't compare to the P4 either, but it's a lot faster than a Mac.
#21 By
1845 (
10/18/2002 2:01:19 PM
Looks like Windows XP isn't the only OS that wants to run on new hardware.