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Interview with
Gretchen Ledgard, Staffing Programs Manager: Microsoft Talent
Acquisition and Engagement
Who are you and what do you do?
I’m Gretchen Ledgard, and
I’m a Marketing Manager at Microsoft. My teammates and I are
responsible for ensuring Microsoft continues to attract and hire the
best and brightest worldwide. We highlight our career opportunities
through such channels as online communities, advertising,
collateral, and events.
Specifically, I focus on promoting our career opportunities to the
developer community. I also manage and contribute to the
Technical Careers @
Microsoft blog, often referred to as JobsBlog.
How has recruiting at Microsoft changed in the time you have been there?
I’ve been with Microsoft since 2000, and in many ways, I’ve seen the
job market and the way we recruit circle back to a similar stage as
when I joined. In the late 90s, Microsoft, along with other
established companies, competed with start-ups for key talent. When
the job market slowed down, our challenges shifted toward new
problems, such as thinking about how we find and convince someone
who is safely employed to take a chance on a job change, or how we
better evaluate talent. Now that the technical job market is heating
up again, we’re taking those lessons we’ve learned over the last few
years and applying them to today’s challenges.
To the point about evaluating talent, one big change from then to
now is the phasing out of those famous puzzle questions, like the
ones highlighted in the book How Would You Move Mount Fuji?, and
evolving our interviewing style to one that focuses on real world
experiences. I find it humorous that so many interview candidates
still study the puzzle questions but rarely encounter them in the
interviews anymore. I love puzzle questions though, and I think they
are a great way to get to stimulate your mind, but I can’t guarantee
we’ll ask you one if you visit us for interviews.
What is a day at work like for you?
For my first
few years with Microsoft, I was a recruiter so my days were very
structured. Mornings were usually reserved for interviews, and
afternoons were reserved for finding even more candidates and
extending job offers.
Now that I
work on our Staffing Marketing team, my schedule varies. Some days
I may prepare for an event. Other days I may write entries for
JobsBlog or new information for our careers site. I also spend a
lot of time answering questions and email from applicants. On
JobsBlog, you can
about the application and interview process at Microsoft, and I’m
committed to answering each and every question to the best of my
ability. That takes up a big chunk of my day, but it’s my favorite
part because I have the opportunity to interact and help people who
are passionate about working at Microsoft.
How has blogging changed recruiting at Microsoft?
Blogs written
by members of our recruiting team have helped us better connect with
Microsoft applicants. Personally, my goal when I blog is to enhance
the candidate experience by providing a “human face” for technical
careers at Microsoft. I want to demystify our processes, assist
candidates in navigating our systems and self-selecting for
appropriate openings, and introduce readers to areas of Microsoft
they may not already be aware of.
But I think
employees’ blogs
and especially
have been most effective at highlighting the true spirit and passion
at Microsoft. Employee
Blogs and Channel9 were not created to recruit people to Microsoft,
but on these sites, you can meet the real people behind our products
and services, and that experience of seeing Microsoft
behind-the-scenes speaks more loudly and convincingly than any
recruiting event or advertisement we could ever produce.
Could you give a brief overview of the application process?
Ledgard: Sure. Typically,
when you are ready to apply to Microsoft, you can visit our careers
site, search for jobs of interest, and submit your resume. You may
also submit your resume directly to recruiters at some college
career fairs or professional events, like the Society of Women
Engineers conference. Resumes are entered into our own in-house
database, and recruiters query the database for resumes that best
match the requirements of our open positions. When a recruiter finds
a match with a resume, he or she contacts the applicant directly to
being the interview process.
With so many people applying, what does an applicant need to have in
order to be noticed?
I always
recommend a cleanly formatted and concise resume. Naturally, what
you say on your resume is very important but ensuring you present it
in a viewer friendly format is almost equally important. Since our
resume database strips away formatting, I recommend you limit the
number of tables or fonts you use. When in doubt, submit your
resume in .txt format. I also recommend you present your resume in
clearly marked sections: Education, Work Experience (in reverse
chronological order), Programming Languages / Technical Skills, and
Other (patents, hobbies, special projects, etc). Keep the length no
more than two pages. The days of companies requiring one page
resumes are gone now that we view documents in digital form, but you
should still keep your resume as concise as possible. I have even
more tips at JobsBlog’s
resume tips category.
I also
recommend you network with anyone you may know who works at
Microsoft. Our employees are great at referring other super
talented people to the company.
basic knowledge should applicants have when applying for a technical
For our
engineering jobs like Software Development Engineer, Software Design
Engineer in Test, or Program Manager, we typically look for a
development background in C, C++, C#, and/or Java. For our roles
that require previous industry experience, we have a preference for
people who have already shipped commercial software or an external
customer-facing product. College students should have worked on
complex academic or extracurricular technical projects.
Would you walk us through the day of the interview?
Our final,
in-person interviews usually occur at the location where the
candidate would work, but sometimes, like in the case of candidates
who live outside of North America, we fly a team of interviewers to
an off-site location. Either way, the interview day is relatively
the same. A candidate usually meets with his or her recruiter for
the first interview. In this meeting, the recruiter conducts an
interview and then helps prepare the candidate for the day with tips
on what to expect, who is on the interview schedule, and what to do
if questions arise throughout the day. The remainder of the day
will be spent in one-on-one interviews with employees in the hiring
group. Each interview last approximately 45 minutes, and candidates
meet with a variety of people. An interviewer could be a peer or a
manager. Typically, interview candidates meet with three to five
interviewers throughout the day.
is going on behind the scenes during the candidate’s day of interviews?
Ledgard: Throughout
the day, your recruiter and interviewers are communicating with each
other to ensure they ask you the right questions and properly
address questions you might have. This on-going communication allows
us to adjust our interview questions so we can best evaluate you
and, if necessary, re-route you to another area of the company that
would be a more appropriate match.
tips for the big day?
It can be a long day.
I suggest getting a good night’s sleep and arriving with a lot of
energy. However, conserve your energy because we don’t want you to
fall asleep after your second interview!
We provide lunch and free drinks, but I always recommend candidates
bring their own snacks and even bottled water. You never know when
you’ll need nourishment.
To prepare, I suggest you make a list of memorable experiences or
projects which best demonstrate your skills and passion. Be prepared
to discuss and answer follow-up questions about these experiences.
I also recommend you research the team with which you are scheduled
to interview. Check out their official webpage on microsoft.com and
search employee blogs and Channel9 for any additional information.
If you are interviewing for a position that may require you to code,
I would practice coding on a white board. Have a friend ask you a
sample interview question such as
the one
we demonstrated on Channel9.
interviewing, how long does it take to find out if you have gotten the
At the end of the interview day,
your recruiter should tell you when you can expect a final decision.
If he or she doesn’t, ask. The decision timeline can vary depending
on such factors as other candidates who are scheduled for interviews
or the availability of key decision makers. Regardless, your
recruiter will remain your main point of contact and will keep you
updated as you await a decision.
If an applicant does not get the job they are applying for, how long
must they wait to try again?
Ledgard: It varies
depending on the stage of your career. For instance, our College
Recruiting team evaluates each candidate for every group and for
every position at Microsoft. They can do this since our requirements
for entry-level talent are relatively similar across disciplines and
business group. For this reason, they usually ask you to only
interview once per academic school year. Once a new school year
rolls around, a new batch of positions open, and you can reapply.
In our experienced recruiting space (applicants who have been in the
workforce fulltime for at least one year since graduation), we also
attempt to evaluate you across all the needs of the company, but
since we look for such varying levels of skills and specialization
amongst our experienced applicants, it’s not unusual to re-apply and
come back again for interviews within a few months of your first
What gets someone hired at Microsoft? What do they need beyond the
Ledgard: Are you
smart? Are you passionate about technology? Do you get the right
things done? These are the key elements we look for in any Microsoft
Why should a job seeker choose Microsoft over, say, Google? What can
Microsoft offer that other tech companies cannot?
Ledgard: Where do I
begin? Microsoft offers a diversity of experience. We are comprised
of several product groups who each in their own way offer employees
a variety of different opportunities. The experience of working in
MSN can be different than working in Office. Tired of working on the
operating system? Go develop a video game.
Microsoft is also a great place to develop and grow your career.
Many of our technical and business leaders started with the company
as entry or mid level engineers.
It’s difficult to point to another company that offers you such a
vast array of career possibilities. People at Microsoft have a deep
passion for technology and the ways in which new technology can
change the world. There are so many ways to make an impact here.
Personally, my favorite part about working at Microsoft is the
benefits we offer. I’m not talking about medical benefits or a 401K,
although those are great. I’m talking more about the thoughtful
planning around such initiatives as career development or even our
employee giving programs. For instance, Microsoft has a new
volunteer time-matching program. For every hour a Microsoft employee
volunteers with the eligible organizations of his or her choice,
Microsoft will donate $17 per hour toward that charity. That’s cool.
I love that I can work at a company that has a fun, innovative, and
energetic environment but, behind the scenes, has really well
thought out programs and tools to make the employees’ professional
and personal lives richer and easier. It’s a nice balance.
Above all else though, I understand that what I find most rewarding
about Microsoft is not what the next person finds most rewarding.
When I am out talking to potential applicants, I focus on what each
individual person needs and wants from his or her next career move.
I can speak specifically to what Microsoft can offer, and chances
are, we have what they are looking for somewhere within the company.
About how many people get an interview for each person hired at
Our ratios
vary per position. However, in our technical space, it’s common to
interview three to five finalists for each position.
Are there any funny stories about life at Microsoft you can share?
I think it’s hilarious that we
now have our own “Microsoft celebrities,” such as Don Box, Robert
Scoble, Raymond Chen, and Adam Barr. Blogging has helped created
celebrities out of these people so it’s still something relatively
new, and I’m trying to get used to the idea
When I talk to candidates about big Microsoft events like Tech*Ed or
PDC, they always tell me the best part is getting to meet the
celebrities in person. What’s funny to me is that while our
Microsoft celebrities are totally accessible here on campus, they
can still generate a crowd of admirers amongst our employees.
A couple months ago, the recruiting group had a big party after work
outside a nearby building. This happens to be the same building that
Robert Scoble works in. Robert and I know each other well now, and
as he left his building, he spotted me and walked over to say hi. I
had about 2 seconds to say hello back before he got swamped by his
fans. Robert eventually sat down and entertained them for an hour or
so. He loved it, and everyone was happy to meet him.
Thank you so much for your time! Do you have anything else you’d like
to add?
Ledgard: Thank you for this
opportunity! I just want to let everyone know that we have lots of
information on technical careers at Microsoft at
JobsBlog, and if you
don’t see the information you are seeking, I encourage you to ask a
question. I will answer.
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