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DirectX 9 New Features
There are many new and
exciting features in all of the DirectX components.
The SDK has added a new member to its core technology called Managed
DirectX, a DirectPlay port for the PocketPC, a High Level Shader Language
for D3DX, and Windows XP parity on downlevel operating systems for
DirectShow and the DirectX audio APIs.
DirectShow also has a new Video Mixing Renderer (VMR9) which uses D3D9
surfaces and always renders video through the 3D pipeline, along with new
and exciting samples.
The generic Windows Media Format SDK stub library (wmstub.lib) available in
previous beta releases has been removed. DirectShow samples using this stub
library have been reverted to the DirectX 8.1 behavior of displaying a
warning to obtain the stub separately, and the readme.txt files have also
been reverted with information on the process to obtain the stub.
DirectX 9.0 Sample Browser:
This is a new method of access
samples, documentation and projects with DirectX 9.0. With the Sample
Browser, we’ve removed the lengthy Start Menu hierarchy to execute samples
and replaced it with the Sample Browser. From the browser you can execute
samples, view documentation, load a sample project in Visual Studio (version
6 or .NET) & access DirectX utilities.
See the "New Features:" section for each of the component for additional
DirectX 9 SDK Features:
DXDiag automation, to enable
MSInfo32 and other clients to get at its info.
DirectPlay hot-switchable
between retail and debug using SDK control panel.
VS.NET compatibility
(projects, solutions, etc. )
New AppWizards for DMOs
(DirectSound/DirectShow) and DMTool (DirectMusic)
New Samples - vastly improved
DirectShow/Direct3D integration is a note worthy change over DirectX 8.x.
Updated AppWizard for VS 7.0
Direct3D Shader debugger,
integrates with the VS IDE.
D3DSpy is a new addition to
the DirectX 9.0 SDK and can be used to analyze. Direct3D programs. D3DSpy
provides a simple user interface that lets programmers monitor the internal
state of the Direct3D runtime, track and step through every call a program
makes into Direct3D, examine the contents of textures/models/etc., and see
statistical information about how efficiently a program uses the Direct3D
API. You’ll find D3DSpy in the bin\DXUtils folder. We need your feedback.
New SAMPLES: Shader Workshop
interactive shader test environment
New to DirectX 9.0 is Managed
DirectX. We have enabled access to the DirectX APIs though managed code.
Visual Studio .NET developers can now take advantage of the multimedia
functionality and hardware acceleration of DirectX. Exposed API include:
Direct3D, DirectPlay, DirectInput, DirectSound and support for Audio/Video
Playback. By eliminating the COM interop layer we are able to enhance
performance over previous typelibs. For example, the performance goal for
Managed Direct3D is 98% of core C++ performance. By using managed code we’ve
also seen a minimum reduction in code of 10% and upwards of 40% in some
cases. Managed code is a great productivity improvement and frees developers
from having to deal with memory management tasks. Through the DirectX9 beta
cycle you will find a growing set of C# samples and tutorials using the
DirectX managed layer and increasingly detailed documentation. As always we
are anxiously awaiting your feedback to make this feature work best for you.
Have some fun and let us know what you think.
DirectX for Managed
DirectX Samples:
Full support for all features
in Direct3D, D3DX, DirectDraw, DirectPlay, DirectInput, and DirectSound.
Support for simple playback of
many common audio and video formats.
A near 1 for 1 complement of
samples when compared with C++.
Code reduction: Most common
tasks done in DirectX are done with fewer lines of code via Managed Code.
Tight integration with .NET -
Managed DirectX fully utilizes .NET and it's common types anywhere it can.
For example, you can create a Managed Direct3D texture from a .NET Bitmap
object via the 'FromBitmap' method.
DirectX Audio
(DirectSound® & DirectMusic®)
DirectSound low-latency sink:
enables DirectMusic to attain significantly lower latency when using
audiopaths that play through the software synthesizer and DirectSound. This
is of particular interest to sound designers and composers who wish to take
advantage of DirectMusic's features but require low latency for quick
interactive response. For this release the default latency for DirectMusic
is 55 ms; however, on higher-end machines the latency can be set much lower.
DirectSound support of 192+
kHz: The maximum frequency of sound buffers has been increased from 100 kHz
to 200 kHz, where supported by the operating system (i.e., starting with
Windows XP SP1). Note that this new frequency limit is not currently
supported by DirectShow.
Frequency and effects (DSBCAPS_CTRLFREQUENCY
and DSBCAPS_CRTLFX flags) can now be combined on DirectSound buffers.
The effects in dsdmo.dll
support parameter curves (when hosted outside of DirectSound) without having
to call Process() on them repeatedly in very small increments. The effects
in dsdmo.dll can also process audio data in
IEEE_FLOAT format.
formats are fully supported throughout DirectSound. However, they cannot be
used in conjunction with DMO effects.
DirectMusic waves in wave
tracks have variable range values for attenuation and fine tuning, enabling
another degree of randomness in playback.
DirectMusic streamed waves now
have looping enabled. This is effective for the use of larger streamed waves
for looped environments and ambiences.
DirectMusic clocktime looping
is enabled, allowing loops that will not change when the musical tempo is
altered. In order to function as expected, segment length should be set in
clocktime; every segment track should also be specified to use clocktime in
its property page.
DirectMusic compression
improvement: a function to eliminate the empty space at the start of MP3
compressed wave files in DLS.
DirectSound and DirectMusic
include all Windows XP and Windows XP SP1 bug fixes.
New Audio Effect DMO and
DirectMusic Tool wizards. See CD Layout above for more detailed information.
DirectMusic Style Library in
the Essentials directory. See CD Layout above for more detailed information.
DirectMusic Producer: see
Dmusprod.txt after installing Producer for new feature information.
Direct3D® New features:
Many new interesting data
formats, including:
Floating point z buffer
16-bit floating point vertex
and texture formats
64-bit integer and 32-bit
floating point texture formats
10:10:10:2 pixel formats
Discardable depth and stencil
Light-weight mipmap
two-sided stencils
Support for 2D/video/GDI
features, including:
Support for video hardware
D operations, e.g., stretch,
BLT, scissoring
GDI interoperability with
GetDC method
New 3D rendering features,
Displacement maps
Depth biasing
Antialiased lines
Constant blend factor
Separate alpha channel
Multisampling quality control
Multi-Element Texture support
Multiple render targets
Autogenerated mipmaps
Spherical TexGen mode
Asynchronous notification
New vertex stream declarations
Multi-head support
Cleaned up interfaces to Swap
Effects and Presentation Rates
Improved monitor refresh rate
Gamma correction
Color-converting windowed
New vertex and pixel shader
models for current and future hardware
Pixel shader models 2.0 and
Vertex shader models 2.0 and
D3DX New features:
DirectX 9 introduces a new
high level shading language for shader programming. This language provides
the ability to more easily write shaders with functions, arbitrary variable
names, conditionals, and loops.
The shader compiler now
supports the following profiles: vs_1_1, vs_2_0, ps_1_1, ps_1_2, ps_1_3,
ps_1_4, ps_2_0, ps_2_sw.
A shader fragment linker has
been added to facilitate the management and generation of shaders, The
fragment linker links assembly or high level shading language shader
fragments together. i.e. to allow mixing and matching of lighting types,
skinning types, etc.
The Effect framework has
undergone some exciting changes for DirectX9, specifically the addition of
the ID3DXEffectCompiler interface. The Effect compiler interface can be used
for shader specialization. i.e. marking a global variable as literal for a
specific compile of the shader.
Added variable sharing between
effects. Variables in effects files declared with the keyword "share" will
be shared across all effects created with a given effect pool.
A new animation subsystem and
mesh hierarchy loader are now included.
The mesh library now supports
arbitrary vertex declarations (single stream only).
CloneMesh handles all data
type conversions. i.e. FLOAT2 to FLOAT16_2, D3DDECLTYPE_DEC3N...
Patch support is included in
the mesh library, including Adaptive tessellation.
DirectPlay New features:
The DirectPlay application
programming interfaces (APIs) are available for the Microsoft Windows®
Powered Pocket PC 2002. See DirectPlay for Pocket PC 2002 in the help file
for more information.
DirectPlay8 Bluetooth Service
Provider for Pocket PC 2002 is available for devices using the Microsoft
Windows CE Bluetooth stack.
message structure has new members that allow you to accurately determine the
round-trip travel time of individual messages.
DirectPlay has a new service
provider for network simulation. You can continue to use the dp8simui.exe
interface tool or try the new IDP8SimControl methods to test applications
under a variety of network conditions.
Applications can cancel all
messages sent by a particular player using the DPNCANCEL_PLAYER_SENDS flag
when calling IDirectPlay8Peer::CancelAsyncOperation(),IDirectPlay8Server::CancelAsyncOperation(),
or IDirectPlay8Client::CancelAsyncOperation().
Players receive their local
player identifier (ID) in the DPN_MSGID_CONNECT_COMPLETE message.
Hosts can prevent DirectPlay
from servicing enumeration queries by setting the DPNSESSION_NOENUMS flag in
the DPN_APPLICATION_DESC structure when calling IDirectPlay8Peer::Host() or
IDirectPlay8Server::Host(). Additionally, servicing enumeration queries may
be turned off and on with this flag by calling IDirectPlay8Peer::SetApplicationDesc()
or IDirectPlay8Server::SetApplicationDesc().
Messages sent to a group with
no players in it will now return DPNSUCCESS_NOPLAYERSINGROUP instead of
Optional packet signing for
all DirectPlay8 traffic
Improved defense against
connection spoofing
to Close() for ungraceful immediate shut down
DPNINITIALIZE_HINT_LANSESSION to Initialize() to provide DirectPlay8 a hint
about the underlying session infrastructure
Added packet coalescence via
DPNSEND_COALESCE flag for Send()/SendTo()
Allow application tuning of
the DirectPlay8 protocol via DPN_CAPS_EX structure provided to SetCaps() and
retrieved from GetCaps()
Added the group owner’s
context value to the DPNMSG_CREATE_GROUP structure
Calls to Host() without the
DPNSESSION_NODPNSVR flag set in the DPN_APPLICATION_DESC structure will fail
if dpnsvr.exe fails to start and will return DPNERR_DPNSVRNOTAVAILABLE
Improved DirectPlay8 protocol
behavior for slightly “lossy” links
Added new
IDirectPlay8NATResolver interface and client side device address components
NAT support.
Added new
DPNA_KEY_TRAVERSALMODE device address component to control automated NAT and
firewall traversal settings.
Added new
IDirectPlay8ThreadPool interface for finer control over DirectPlay's
threading, include a new DoWork threadless mode.
combine all of the hosts addresses into a single address object. This can be
passed to EnumHosts or Connect so that all addresses will be tried
Added transparent IPv6 support
to the TCP/IP service provider. Applications should require no changes to
support either IPv4 or IPv6 as long as they do not assume that the
DPNA_KEY_HOSTNAME component is in IPv4 decimal dotted notation (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn).
Broadcast Driver
Architecture New Features:
DirectShow New features:
Video Mixing Renderer Filter 9
(VMR-9). - This new, redistributable rendering filter is similar in concept
and design to the VMR that is available for Microsoft Windows XP Home
Edition and Windows XP Professional. The VMR-9 is more powerful than the
original VMR (now called "VMR-7") because it is fully compatible with the
DirectX 9.0 graphics capabilities and it offers improved support for
deinterlacing and ProcAmp control (brightness, contrast, hue, and
New deinterlacing support in
the DV Video Decoder filter. The DV Decoder filter now supports interlaced
output, as well as deinterlaced output. Earlier versions of the decoder
always deinterlace the video. With the new version, the interlaced video can
be preserved and saved to file, or the video can be deinterlaced by the VMR,
for improved rendering quality.
New deinterlacing support in
DirectX Video Acceleration.
AVStream driver development
and runtime support on all platforms prior to Windows XP has been improved
for close functional parity with Windows XP. A few AVStream and core Kernel
Streaming behavioral differences still exist that are documented in the SDK.
New encoder application
programming interface (API) specification. The Encoder API defines a
standard, format-neutral way in which software or hardware encoders can
communicate with applications and device drivers. IGetCapabilitiesKey is a
new interface that filters can implement in order to enable applications to
query for the filter's capabilities.
MPEG-2 Sections and Tables
Filter. This new filter enables an application to get PSI tables from an
MPEG-2 transport stream.
Microsoft TV Technologies now
supports DVB-T (terrestrial) and DVB-C (cable), in addition to DVB-S
(satellite). For more information, see the SDK documentation.
The Analog TV Tuner filter now
supports adding new channel frequencies via the registry. This feature
extends the existing mechanism for adding channel frequency overrides. For
more information, see International Analog TV Tuning in the SDK.
DirectShow Editing Services
(DES) now supports plug-in video resizing filters. For more information, see
Providing a Custom Video Resizer in the SDK.
The DVD Graph Builder enables
applications to use the VMR-9 through the
IDvdGraphBuilder::RenderDvdVideoVolume method. The DVD Navigator now
supports playback of audio during fast forward; users can now watch a movie
at speeds higher than 1x without raising the pitch of the audio track, if
the decoder supports this feature. The DVD navigator now provides faster DVD
menu navigation.
Video renderer no longer
displays frame counters on debug builds.
SDK Updates
Significant enhancements to
the GraphEdit utility, including Windows Media Certification (dekeying of
non-DRM WM graphs), Filter Favorites menu, improved connect/disconnect from
remote graphs, save/restore options, frame stepping, and color coding of
connected filters. XGR files are no longer supported by GraphEdit.
Sample source code has been
improved to enhance security, reliability, and readability. Support for
Visual Studio.NET has also been added (VC.NET projects, solutions, etc.)
Managed code for audio and
video file playback. The Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback managed code
namespace provides playback and simple control of audio and video media. For
more information, refer to the DirectX documentation for the managed DirectX
Numerous bug fixes and
refinements for SDK samples and tools
New Unicode Debug/Release
build targets for Visual C++ 6.0 and Visual Studio.NET projects
New and revised content in the
SDK documentation
New ProfileEnum tool (in Bin\DXUtils)
lists the Windows Media system profiles that are available for use on your
system. This tool is helpful if you are creating Windows Media files (ASF,WMA,WMV)
through DirectShow interfaces.
The AMCap sample application
now supports MPEG-2 program stream input, for example from analog TV Tuners
that stream MPEG-2 content. A third-party DirectShow-compatible MPEG-2
decoder is still required to decode the streams.
The PlayCapMoniker sample
demonstrates an alternate method (AddSourceFilter())because using RenderFile()
with monikers is no longer supported.
Information Courtesy &
Copyright Microsoft. Information is for educational purposes only.
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