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Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary List 2004
Security Bulletin Name,
Brief Description
ID Number, Date/Link
Vulnerability in WINS Could Allow
Remote Code Execution (870763): A remote code execution
vulnerability exists in WINS because of the way that it handles
computer name validation. An attacker could exploit the
vulnerability by constructing a malicious network packet that could
potentially allow remote code execution on an affected system. An
attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could take
complete control of an affected system. |
(MS04-045) |
December 14, 2004 |
Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel and LSASS
Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (885835): A
privilege elevation vulnerability exists in the way that the Windows
Kernel launches applications. This vulnerability could allow a
logged on user to take complete control of the system. |
(MS04-044) |
December 14, 2004 |
Vulnerability in HyperTerminal Could Allow
Code Execution (873339): A remote code execution
vulnerability exists in HyperTerminal because of a buffer overrun.
An attacker could exploit the vulnerability by constructing a
malicious HyperTerminal session file that could potentially allow
remote code execution. An attacker could then persuade a user to
open this file. This vulnerability could attempt to be exploited
through a malicious Telnet URL if HyperTerminal has been set as the
default Telnet client. An attacker who successfully exploited this
vulnerability could take complete control of an affected system.
However, user interaction is required to exploit this vulnerability. |
(MS04-043) |
December 14, 2004 |
Vulnerability in DHCP Could Allow Remote
Code Execution and Denial of Service (885249):
This update resolves several newly-discovered, privately reported
vulnerabilities. Each vulnerability is documented in this bulletin
in its own Vulnerability Details section.
An attacker who successfully exploited the most severe
of these vulnerabilities could take complete control of an affected
system, including installing programs; viewing, changing, or
deleting data; or creating new accounts that have full privileges.
However, attempts to exploit these vulnerabilities would most likely
result in a denial of service of the Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol (DHCP) Server service. |
(MS04-042) |
December 14, 2004 |
Vulnerability in WordPad Could Allow Code
Execution (885836):
This update resolves several newly-discovered, privately reported
vulnerabilities. Each vulnerability is documented in this bulletin
in its own Vulnerability Details section.
If a user is logged on with administrative privileges,
an attacker who successfully exploited these vulnerabilities could
take complete control of an affected system, including installing
programs; viewing, changing, or deleting data; or creating new
accounts with full privileges. Users whose accounts are configured
to have fewer privileges on the system would be at less risk than
users who operate with administrative privileges. However, user
interaction is required to exploit this vulnerability. |
(MS04-041) |
December 14, 2004 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (889293):
If a user is logged on with administrative privileges, an attacker
who successfully exploited this vulnerability could take complete
control of an affected system, including installing programs;
viewing, changing, or deleting data; or creating new accounts with
full privileges. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer
privileges on the system would be at less risk than users who
operate with administrative privileges. |
(MS04-040) |
December 1, 2004 |
Vulnerability in ISA Server 2000 and Proxy
Server 2.0 Could Allow Internet Content Spoofing (888258):
This is a spoofing vulnerability that exists in the affected
products and that could enable an attacker to spoof trusted Internet
content. Users could believe they are accessing trusted Internet
content when in reality they are accessing malicious Internet
content, for example a malicious Web site. However, an attacker
would first have to persuade a user to visit the attacker’s site to
attempt to exploit this vulnerability. |
(MS04-039) |
November 9, 2004 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet
Explorer (834707): This update resolves several
newly discovered publicly and privately reported vulnerabilities.
Each vulnerability is documented in this bulletin in its own
Vulnerability Details section.
If a user is logged on with administrative privileges,
an attacker who successfully exploited the most severe of these
vulnerabilities could take complete control of an affected system,
including installing programs; viewing, changing, or deleting data;
or creating new accounts with full privileges. Users whose accounts
are configured to have fewer privileges on the system would be at
less risk than users who operate with administrative privileges. |
(MS04-038) |
Oct 12, 2004 |
Vulnerability in Windows Shell Could Allow
Remote Code Execution (841356): This update resolves several newly-discovered,
public vulnerabilities. Each vulnerability is documented in this
bulletin in its own Vulnerability Details section.
If a user is logged on with administrative privileges,
an attacker who successfully exploited the most severe of these
vulnerabilities could take complete control of an affected system,
including installing programs; viewing, changing, or deleting data;
or creating new accounts with full privileges. Users whose accounts
are configured to have fewer privileges on the system would be at
less risk than users who operate with administrative privileges.
However, user interaction is required to exploit these
vulnerabilities. |
(MS04-037) |
Oct 12, 2004 |
Vulnerability in NNTP Could Allow Remote Code Execution (883935):
This update resolves a newly-discovered, privately reported
vulnerability. A remote code execution vulnerability exists within
the Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) component of the affected
operating systems. This vulnerability could potentially affect
systems that do not use NNTP. This is because some programs that are
listed in the affected software section require that the NNTP
component be enabled before you can install them. The vulnerability
is documented in the Vulnerability Details section of this bulletin.
An attacker who successfully exploited this
vulnerability could take complete control of an affected system,
including installing programs; viewing, changing, or deleting data;
or creating new accounts that have full privileges. |
(MS04-036) |
Oct 12, 2004 |
Vulnerability in SMTP Could Allow Remote
Code Execution (885881): This update resolves a
newly-discovered vulnerability. A remote code execution
vulnerability exists in the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
component that is provided as part of the affected software. The
vulnerability is documented in the Vulnerability Details section of
this bulletin.
An attacker who successfully exploited this
vulnerability could take complete control of an affected system,
including installing programs; viewing, changing, or deleting data;
or creating new accounts that have full privileges. |
(MS04-035) |
Oct 12, 2004 |
Vulnerability in Compressed (zipped) Folders Could Allow Remote Code
Execution (873376): This update resolves a
newly-discovered, privately reported vulnerability. A remote code
execution vulnerability exists in the way that Windows processes
Compressed (zipped) Folders. The vulnerability is documented in the
Vulnerability Details section of this bulletin.
If a user is logged on with administrative privileges, an attacker
who successfully exploited this vulnerability could take complete
control of an affected system, including installing programs;
viewing, changing, or deleting data; or creating new accounts with
full privileges. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer
privileges on the system would be at less risk than users who
operate with administrative privileges. However, user interaction is
required to exploit this vulnerability. |
(MS04-034) |
Oct 12, 2004 |
Vulnerability in Microsoft Excel Could Allow Remote Code Execution
(886836): This update resolves a
newly-discovered, privately reported vulnerability. A remote code
execution vulnerability exists in Microsoft Excel.
If a user is logged on with administrative privileges, an attacker
who successfully exploited this vulnerability could take complete
control of an affected system, including installing programs;
viewing, changing, or deleting data; or creating new accounts with
full privileges. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer
privileges on the system would be at less risk than users who
operate with administrative privileges. |
(MS04-033) |
Oct 12, 2004 |
Security Update for Microsoft Windows
(840987): This
update resolves several newly-discovered, privately reported
vulnerabilities. Each vulnerability is documented in this bulletin
in its own Vulnerability Details section.
An attacker who successfully exploited the most severe of these
vulnerabilities could take complete control of an affected system,
including installing programs; viewing, changing, or deleting data;
or creating new accounts that have full privileges. |
(MS04-032) |
Oct 12, 2004 |
Vulnerability in NetDDE Could Allow Remote
Code Execution (841533): This update resolves a newly-discovered,
privately reported vulnerability. A remote code execution
vulnerability exists in the Network Dynamic Data Exchange (NetDDE)
services because of an unchecked buffer. The vulnerability is
documented in the Vulnerability Details section of this bulletin.
An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could take
complete control of an affected system, including installing
programs; viewing, changing, or deleting data; or creating new
accounts that have full privileges. However, the NetDDE services are
not started by default and would have to be manually started, or
started by an application that requires NetDDE, for an attacker to
attempt to remotely exploit this vulnerability. |
(MS04-031) |
Oct 12, 2004 |
Vulnerability in WebDAV XML Message Handler
Could Lead to a Denial of Service (824151): This
update resolves a newly-discovered, privately reported
vulnerability. The vulnerability is documented in the Vulnerability
Details section of this bulletin.
An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could
cause WebDAV to consume all available memory and CPU time on an
affected server. This behavior could cause a denial of service. The
IIS service would have to be restarted to restore functionality. |
(MS04-030) |
Oct 12, 2004 |
Vulnerability in RPC Runtime Library Could Allow Information
Disclosure and Denial of Service (873350)
: This update resolves a newly-discovered, privately reported
vulnerability. The vulnerability is documented in the Vulnerability
Details section of this bulletin.
An attacker who successfully exploited the vulnerability could cause
the affected system to stop responding or could potentially read
portions of active memory content.
We recommend that customers install the security update at the
earliest opportunity. |
(MS04-029) |
Oct 12, 2004 |
Buffer Overrun in JPEG Processing (GDI+) Could Allow Code Execution
(833987): This update resolves a newly-discovered, privately reported
vulnerability. A buffer overrun vulnerability exists in the
processing of JPEG image formats that could allow remote code
execution on an affected system. The vulnerability is documented in
this bulletin in its own section.
If a user is logged on with administrator privileges, an attacker who
successfully exploited this vulnerability could take complete
control of an affected system, including installing programs;
viewing, changing, or deleting data; or creating new accounts with
full privileges. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer
privileges on the system would be at less risk than users who
operate with administrative privileges. |
(MS04-028) |
Sep 14, 2004 |
Vulnerability in WordPerfect Converter Could Allow Code Execution (884933)
: This update resolves a newly discovered, privately reported
vulnerability. A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the
WordPerfect 5.x Converter that is provided as part of the affected
software. The vulnerability is documented in the Vulnerability
Details section of this bulletin.
If a user is logged on with administrative privileges, an attacker who
successfully exploited this vulnerability could take complete
control of an affected system, including installing programs;
viewing, changing, or deleting data; or creating new accounts with
full privileges. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer
privileges on the system would be at less risk 3han users who
operate with administrative privileges. However, user interaction is
required to exploit this vulnerability. |
(MS04-027) |
Sep 14, 2004 |
Vulnerability in Exchange Server 5.5 Outlook Web Access Could Allow Cross-Site Scripting and Spoofing Attacks (842436): This update resolves a newly-discovered, privately reported
vulnerability. A cross-site scripting and spoofing vulnerability
exists in Outlook Web Access for Exchange Server 5.5 that could
allow an attacker to convince a user to run a malicious script. The
vulnerability is documented in the Vulnerability Details section of
this bulletin.
An attacker who successfully exploited the vulnerability could manipulate
Web browser caches and intermediate proxy server caches, and put
spoofed content in those caches. They may also be able to exploit
the vulnerability to perform cross-site scripting attacks. |
(MS04-026) |
Aug 10, 2004 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (867801): This update resolves several newly discovered public
vulnerabilities. Each vulnerability is documented in this bulletin
in its own Vulnerability Details section.
If a user is logged on with administrative privileges, an attacker who
successfully exploited the most severe of these vulnerabilities
could take complete control of an affected system, including
installing programs; viewing, changing, or deleting data; or
creating new accounts with full privileges. Users whose accounts are
configured to have fewer privileges on the system would be at less
risk than users who operate with administrative privileges. |
(MS04-025) |
Jul 30, 2004 |
in Crystal Reports Web Viewer Could Allow Information Disclosure and
Denial of Service (842689): This update resolves a
newly-discovered, publicly reported vulnerability. A remote code
execution vulnerability exists in the way that the Windows Shell
launches applications.
If a user is logged on with administrative privileges, an attacker
who successfully exploited this vulnerability could take complete
control of an affected system, including installing programs;
viewing, changing, or deleting data; or creating new accounts with
full privileges. However, significant user interaction is required
to exploit this vulnerability. Users whose accounts are configured
to have fewer privileges on the system would be at less risk than
users who operate with administrative privileges. |
(MS04-024) |
Jul 13, 2004 |
Vulnerability in HTML Help Could Allow Code Execution (840315): This update resolves two newly-discovered vulnerabilities.
The HTML Help vulnerability was privately reported and the showHelp
vulnerability is public. Each vulnerability is documented in this
bulletin in its own Vulnerability Details section.
If a user is logged on with administrative privileges, an attacker who
successfully exploited the most severe of these vulnerabilities
could take complete control of an affected system, including
installing programs; viewing, changing, or deleting data; or
creating new accounts that have full privileges. Users whose
accounts are configured to have fewer privileges on the system would
be at less risk than users who operate with administrative
privileges. |
(MS04-023) |
Jul 13, 2004 |
Vulnerability in Task Scheduler Could Allow Code Execution (841873):
This update resolves a newly-discovered, privately reported
vulnerability. A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the
Task Scheduler because of an unchecked buffer. The vulnerability is
documented in the Vulnerability Details section of this bulletin.
If a user is logged on with administrative privileges, an attacker who
successfully exploited this vulnerability could take complete
control of an affected system, including installing programs;
viewing, changing, or deleting data; or creating new accounts with
full privileges. However, user interaction is required to exploit
this vulnerability. Users whose accounts are configured to have
fewer privileges on the system would be at less risk than users who
operate with administrative privileges. |
(MS04-022) |
Jul 13, 2004 |
Security Update for IIS 4.0 (841373):
This update resolves a newly-discovered, privately reported
An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could take
complete control of an affected system, including installing
programs; viewing, changing, or deleting data; or creating new
accounts that have full privileges. |
(MS04-021) |
Jul 13, 2004 |
Vulnerability in POSIX Could Allow Code Execution (841872):
This update resolves a newly-discovered, privately reported
vulnerability. A privilege elevation vulnerability exists in the
POSIX operating system component (subsystem). The vulnerability is
documented in the Vulnerability Details section of this bulletin.
An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could take
complete control of an affected system, including installing
programs; viewing, changing, or deleting data; or creating new
accounts that have full privileges. |
(MS04-020) |
Jul 13, 2004 |
Vulnerability in Utility Manager Could Allow Code Execution (842526):
This update resolves a newly-discovered, privately reported
vulnerability. A privilege elevation vulnerability exists in the way
that Utility Manager launches applications. A logged-on user could
force Utility Manager to start an application with system privileges
and could take complete control of the system. The vulnerability is
documented in the Vulnerability Details section of this bulletin.
An attacker who successfully exploited this
vulnerability could take complete control of an affected system,
including installing programs; viewing, changing, or deleting data;
or creating new accounts that have full privileges. |
(MS04-019) |
Jul 13, 2004 |
Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express (823353):
This update resolves a public vulnerability. A denial of service
vulnerability exists in Outlook Express because of a lack of robust
verification for malformed e-mail headers. The vulnerability is
documented in the Vulnerability Details section of this bulletin.
This update also changes the default security settings for Outlook
Express 5.5 Service Pack 2 (SP2). This change is documented in the
Frequently Asked Questions related to this security update section
of this bulletin. |
(MS04-018) |
Jul 13, 2004 |
in Crystal Reports Web Viewer Could Allow Information Disclosure and
Denial of Service (842689): An attacker who
successfully exploited the vulnerability could retrieve and delete
files through the Crystal Reports and Crystal Enterprise Web viewers
on an affected system. The number of files of files that are impacted
by this vulnerability would depend on the security context of the
affected component that is used by the Crystal Web viewer. |
(MS04-017) |
June 8, 2004 |
in DirectPlay Could Allow Denial of Service (839643):
update resolves a newly-discovered, privately reported vulnerability.
A denial of service vulnerability exists in the implementation of the
IDirectPlay4 application programming interface (API) of Microsoft
DirectPlay because of a lack of robust packet validation. The
vulnerability is documented in the Vulnerability Details section of
this bulletin.
If a user is running a networked DirectPlay application, an attacker
who successfully exploited this vulnerability could cause the
DirectPlay application to fail. The user would have to restart the
application to resume functionality. |
(MS04-016) |
June 8, 2004 |
in Help and Support Center Could Allow Remote Code Execution (840374):
If a user is logged on with administrative privileges, an attacker who
successfully exploited this vulnerability could take complete control
of an affected system, including installing programs; viewing,
changing, or deleting data; or creating new accounts with full
privileges. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer
privileges on the system would be at less risk than users who operate
with administrative privileges. |
(MS04-015) |
May 11, 2004 |
Vulnerability in the Microsoft Jet Database Engine Could Allow
Code Execution (837001): A buffer overrun
vulnerability exists in the Microsoft Jet Database Engine (Jet) that
could allow remote code execution. An attacker who successfully
exploited this vulnerability could take complete control of an
affected system, including installing programs; viewing, changing,
or deleting data; or creating new accounts that have full
privileges. Microsoft recommends that customers install the
update at the earliest opportunity. |
(MS04-014) |
April 13, 2004 |
Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express (837009):
This is a cumulative update that includes the functionality of all
the previously-released updates for Outlook Express 5.5 and Outlook
Express 6. Additionally, it eliminates a new vulnerability that
could allow an attacker who successfully exploited this
vulnerability to access files and to take complete control of the
affected system. This could occur even if Outlook Express is not
used as the default e-mail reader on the system. |
(MS04-013) |
April 13, 2004 |
Cumulative Update for Microsoft RPC/DCOM
This update resolves several newly-discovered vulnerabilities. Each
vulnerability is documented in this bulletin in its own section.
An attacker who successfully exploited the most severe of these
vulnerabilities could take complete control of an affected system,
including installing programs; viewing, changing, or deleting data;
or creating new accounts that have full privileges. Microsoft
recommends that customers apply the update immediately. |
(MS04-012) |
April 13, 2004 |
Security Update for Microsoft Windows
(835732): This update resolves several
newly-discovered vulnerabilities. Each vulnerability is documented
in this bulletin in its own section. An attacker who
successfully exploited the most severe of these vulnerabilities
could take complete control of an affected system, including
installing programs; viewing, changing, or deleting data; or
creating new accounts that have full privileges. Microsoft
recommends that customers apply the update immediately. |
(MS04-011) |
April 13, 2004 |
Vulnerability in MSN Messenger Could Allow
Information Disclosure (838512): A security
vulnerability exists in Microsoft MSN Messenger. The vulnerability
exists because of the method used by MSN Messenger to handle a file
request. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by sending a
specially crafted request to a user running MSN Messenger. If
exploited successfully, the attacker could view the contents of a
file on the hard drive without the user's knowledge as long as the
attacker knew the location of the file and the user had read access
to the file. |
(MS04-010) |
March 9, 2004 |
Vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook Could
Allow Code Execution (828040): Subsequent to the release of this bulletin, it
was determined that this vulnerability could also affect users who
do not have the “Outlook Today” folder home page as their default
home page in Outlook 2002. As a result, Microsoft has re-released
this bulletin with a new severity rating of “critical” to reflect
the expanded attack vector. The update released with the original
version of this security bulletin is effective in protecting from
the vulnerability and users who have applied the update or have
installed Office XP Service Pack 3 do not need to take additional
action. |
(MS04-009) |
March 9, 2004 |
Vulnerability in Windows Media Services
Could Allow a Denial of Service (832359): A
vulnerability exists because of the way that Windows Media Station
Service and Windows Media Monitor Service, components of Windows
Media Services, handle TCP/IP connections. If a remote user were to
send a specially-crafted sequence of TCP/IP packets to the listening
port of either of these services, the service could stop responding
to requests and no additional connections could be made. The service
must be restarted to regain its functionality. |
(MS04-008) |
March 9, 2004 |
ASN.1 Vulnerability Could Allow Code Execution
(828028): An attacker
who successfully exploited this buffer overflow vulnerability could
execute code with system privileges on an affected system. The
attacker could then take any action on the system, including
installing programs, viewing data, changing data, deleting data, or
creating new accounts with full privileges. |
(MS04-007) |
February 10, 2004 |
Vulnerability in the Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) Could
Allow Code Execution (830352): A security vulnerability
exists in the Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS). This
vulnerability exists because of the method that WINS uses to
validate the length of specially-crafted packets. On Windows Server
2003 this vulnerability could allow an attacker who sent a series of
specially-crafted packets to a WINS server to cause the service to
fail. Most likely, this could cause a denial of service, and the
service would have to be manually restarted to restore
functionality. |
(MS04-006) |
February 10, 2004 |
Vulnerability in Virtual PC for Mac Could Allow Privilege Elevation
(835150): A security vulnerability exists in Microsoft
Virtual PC for Mac. The vulnerability exists because of the method
by which Virtual PC for Mac creates a temporary file when you run
Virtual PC for Mac. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by
inserting malicious code into the file which could cause the code to
be run with system privileges. This could give the attacker complete
control over the system. |
(MS04-005) |
February 10, 2004 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet
Explorer (832894): This is a cumulative update that
includes the functionality of all the previously-released updates for
Internet Explorer 5.01, Internet Explorer 5.5, and Internet Explorer
6.0. Additionally, it eliminates three newly-discovered
vulnerabilities. |
(MS04-004) |
February 02, 2004 |
Buffer Overrun in MDAC Function Could
Allow Code Execution (832483):
(MS04-003) |
January 13, 2004 |
Vulnerability in Exchange Server 2003
Could Lead to Privilege Escalation (832759):
(MS04-002) |
January 13, 2004 |
Vulnerability in Microsoft Internet
Security and Acceleration Server 2000 H.323 Filter Could Allow Remote
Code Execution (816458): |
(MS04-001) |
January 13, 2004 |
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