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Welcome to AskAW! This section of our web
site lets you submit questions about any problems/queries that you may
have about Windows. Be it from a little icon that annoys you to hardware
freezing your PC, we will try and help you out. You can submit your
questions by e-mailing us at askaw@activewin.com.
You can browse through previous questions over at our Archive
Page. Who knows what you might find.
Here are the questions posted on:
Question |
by Neil |
Hi guys, Could you
recommend the best way to re-install Windows 2000 from scratch (i.e.
the best way to create a boot disk to reformat the hd, and will
still allow the cd to boot up). I've got a 10gb hd. Are you guys
also aware of any problems instally Quark Express 4.1 with a machine
running Windows 2000? I've tried this several times with no luck,
the installer gobbles up the processor power and the machine sits
with 100% CPU Use. I've had a look at the Quark site but there
doesn't seem to be any mention of the above problem. Look forward to
hearing from you. Regards |
1 |
by Brian Lyttle |
Neil, This the basic procedure you
should follow...
1: Make backups of all important files, especially Certificates for
any volumes using the Encrypting File System (EFS).
2: Insert your Windows 2000 CD in your main CD ROM drive (one which
is bootable).
3: Restart your computer. When prompted hit a key. Windows 2000 CD
should boot with a blue-colored, DOS style screen. This is
referred to as the text-mode part of setup.
4:The setup will probably offer to install a NEW Windows 2000
installation, or Repair an old one. You must select NEW.
5: The next thing you must select is where to install Windows 2000.
Any hard disks in your system will be listed, along with their
partitions. Delete whichever one currently holds Windows 2000, and
then select to install Windows 2000 on it.
You are then given options on how to format the drive. Choose
whichever is appropriate for you. Fat 32 is probably the best
choice, as you can upgrade to NTFS later.
6:You should be able to follow the setup from this point onwards.
Relatively little interaction is involved.
Windows 2000 additionally provides the option to perform automated
(scripted) installs. These are useful if you find that you regularly
reinstall Windows 2000, like me. More information is available in
the Windows 2000 Resource Kit.
Question |
by Warren A. Buchler |
Hi there, I have a problem with a
program that prints label with the Novexx on com1. The program uses a
template that bypasses the Windows print engine. This works fine with
Win9x. The author of this template has told me that if the command
'echo' (or Print or copy) will work, his template will work too. If
not (exactly this is the case), he told me to check the settings of
the OS and/or port. What do I have to do ? Are there any references?
best regards. |
1 |
by Brian Lyttle |
Ralf, You may have encountered a
problem with the differences in architectures between Windows 9x and
Windows NT/2000. Windows 9x allows direct access to hardware by
software applications, often required for the use of Serial (Com)
ports. Windows 2000 does not allow such access, other than through
special channels. This improves system stability, but means
compatibility problems with Windows 9x applications. I think you
should go back to the vendor and find out if they have actually
tested their application on Windows 2000. |
Question |
by Warren A. Buchler |
After installing Windows ME, I am
unable run some of my dos clipper applications. Under my Windows 98
SE I had an autoexec.bat and config.sys file, but these appear to be
gone in Windows ME. What I had in my config.sys file was "Files
= 99". and in may autoexec.bat file I had set path, and set
clipper F=75. Will I be able to establish these setting under
Windows ME?. Thanks. |
1 |
by Geoffrey
Lo |
Hey there, Windows
ME has a new "file protection" feature that prevents
alters from system files. Unfortunately apart from a registry tweak,
there is no other way to do this. |
2 |
by Andrew
Funderburk |
In addition to the
"Windows File Protection" mentioned in the other answer,
WinME also contains a good deal less DOS code than Win95/98/98SE.
This could be part of the problem. The reason for the loss of code
is to bring consumer Windows closer to NT/2k, increase stability and
prepare for Whistler. |
Question |
by ??? |
The reason that I send this e-mail is
that I have a problem with windows 98se. I live in Greece. My
computer is an Athlon 550mhz, motherboard qdi kinetiz 7a with kx133
chipset cd rom asus 50x, plextor 8x4x32 atapi and 256mb ram. When
windows is loading I get the message "windows protection error.
You need to restart your computer." This happens many times but
not always. After that windows displays the screen in which you
choose the mode you want to start. I choose safe mode and when
windows finishes loading, under the tab "performance" of
"y computer" I see the message "compatibility mode
paging reduces overall system performance, drive a is using ms-dos
compatibility mode, drive c is using ms-dos compatibility mode".
Also sometimes when I shut down my computer it starts by it self
immediately. I have checked all my files for viruses but everything
is okay. I would be grateful if you could give me an advice. |
1 |
by Geoffrey Lo |
Hey there, Sometimes dust clogs up
onto the RAM in the computer, and it'll drop eventually, and new dust
will come. The "Windows Protection Error" is normally
because of defective hardware, either a bad cluster on the Hard disk,
or the RAM. |
Question |
by Dave |
Probably a simple answer to this one,
but it perplexes me all the same! On my master PC I currently have
two identical Hard drives [ 20 Gb/udma 66/5,400rpm ], both of which
are on the Primary ID slot as Master & Slave. My secondary IDE
slot has my 8 X DV-Rom drive on it. I now want to add a CD-RW drive
[4x4x32] to the system. What, then, is the best possible
configuration to set all four up in? The Master HDD has the O/S [ME]
and all my other software on board. The Slave HDD is currently bare,
but is going to be used for Video Editing. Purpose of the CD-RW is to
copy useful software found on UK cover disks, occasional back-ups of
No. 1 Hard drive and, of course, burning my finished Videos to CD for
posterity. I might add that the PC this is all going on will also be
used as a server for three other PCs - if that has any bearing?
Thanks in anticipation. |
1 |
by Geoffrey Lo |
Hey there, Currently,
I do not suggest burning CDR/RW's using servers. This is because
there will be a lot of buffer under runs because of insufficient
cache and will waste a lot of disks. It's best to use a system not
connected to the network. If you do want to, I suggest using the CDRW
as the Secondary Slave. Any further questions, e-mail me. |
Question |
by ??? |
I am looking for information
regarding Win2000 Pro workstation performance tips and hardware
advice, as opposed to all of the server-related crap...essentially,
I am trying to get a list of graphics cards that are Win2000 ready
in the 2D (Photoshop) area.... many cards seem not to be optimized
for possibly new/changed Win2000 shell API's, and thus the system
ends up having to accelerate in software, making for awful
performance...(it doesn't seem to be a driver issue...) (I can dual
boot back into Win98 on the same system, and everything is MUCH
faster...). Thanks. |
1 |
by Bill
Wiriawan |
The fact that Windows 2000 is much
stabler and faster in terms of performance and scratch disk, there
is no reason for you to stick with windows 9x if you can afford the
upgrade. If you are building your computer from scratch, I would
recommend you to start from your motherboard, chipset and CPU, these
elements are the key winner for top notch graphics processing. Check
out sites like anandtech.com, sharkyextreme.com, tomshardware.com,
etc, look for a review before you decide on buying them. The next
would be your graphic card, personally, I love Matrox G400 Dual Head
that I have, you can check out the newer model, the 3D performance
is unbeatable, especially when you do 2D, and only 2D, it's a great
package for such a price. Usually, performance also comes from
compatibility, my ASUS P3B-F, PIIICoppermine, and G400MAX, is very
stable and compatible with most programs I run, which includes
Photoshop. I would recommend you getting a SCSI drive if you can
afford it. My maxtor hard drive can't keep up the speed of my
memory. When you finally decide, check out the vendors website, and
read for the KB issues or drivers download package and the readme
files, it will give you a clear picture of what will it like once
you buy the system. Good Luck |
Question |
by Sol |
hi there, I have a problem with media
player 7(mp7), I have just installed it on a fresh install of win98,
every time I open mp7, my pc just locks up, I have un/re installed it
3 times, the message at the bottom of mp7 is always "media
changing", can anyone please help, my system is a AMD K62 450,
this runs on a adaptec isa scsi card, my mb is a gigabyte ga5ax and I
have a voodoo 3 3000, graphics card, im using nero 5.0 for cd
burning. the sound card is a SoundBlaster live pci. Incidentally
Music match juke box also crashes at startup. any help kindly
appreciated. |
1 |
by Bill
Wiriawan |
First run the troubleshooter. Download
the latest ASPI driver from adaptec (go to the support website). and
read all the infos there, ASPI driver issues has been causing a lot
of problems with WMP7, especially when you have a cd burner
installed. you should have no problem when you update your ASPI. Good
Luck. |
Question |
by sicksock |
Ok, this is a problem that has been
bothering me for over two years, and no one seems to have the answer.
In Internet Explorer, how do I open a new window maximized. If the
window you are viewing is maximized, and you right click on a link
and click "Open in a new window", a new window will open
with the page non-maximized. ( but not minimized ) Internet Explorer
will open the new page sized to the last page closed while not
maximized. I know about the full screen view ( F11 ) and that is not
what I want. I have noticed on numerous message boards that other
people have had this problem, but the right answer is never given.
Please help, give me any reply, even if you cant solve it yourself. |
1 |
by Bill
Wiriawan |
This is not a problem or bug, this is
how the software was designed and coded. IE writes its last windows
settings location and size to the registry when it closed, when you
open a window in normal mode, then closing it in the maximized state
the nest time you open the window, it will maximized, as well as the
"Shift-Click or Open in new window". There's no known fix
or patch for this until now, but IE 5.5 has functions better on this
then it's predecessor. |
Question |
by Louis Seymour |
I recently downloaded a
theme from cnet for Halloween and when I returned to my themes in the
control panel to change it, they were gone. I don't know if
downloading that theme had anything to do with losing all the themes
that came loaded on the computer. I tried to find them, and it
appears they are still in windows, but it seems I have to use the
msdos to make them active again. I don't understand what they want me
to do. I asked for your help once before and you gave me instructions
in "English". Thank you for any and all help you can offer. |
1 |
by Bill
Wiriawan |
Open the desktop themes control panel,
and click browse instead of clicking on the drop down menu, open the
following location: "C:\Program Files\Plus!\Themes", and
pick up a theme file. Then the files should appears on the drop down
menu/list. |
Question |
by Fred Weaver |
I uninstalled a program the other day
and now when I start my PC, the above termination notes appear. I can
click & remove them and still enter Windows 98. Any idea why
these are appearing and how to stop this? Thank You |
1 |
by Bill
Wiriawan |
This is a bad installation program, to
remove the entry from eh registry, do the following: (Please backup
the registry before you proceed) Press Winkey+R, and type "regedit"
without the quote from the run command menu, this will bring up the
registry editor. press F3, and type in the filename, in your cause it
would be either whiz and/or realplay.dll try doing it one after
another, after you find any instance of the key, press del from the
parent tree (left pane highlight), and press F3 after each search
until it finish searching. Download RegClean from Microsoft which
cleans up your orphaned registry, go to http://newlife-win98.server101.com/
for more info on related issues and regclean download. Good Luck |
Question |
by Barb |
Hi, I am trying to test with some
older versions of I.E. - currently with 4.0 on a win95 desktop - I
can't seem to open any new windows from this - any hints on what I
need to set? When I right click over a link to 'open a new window'
nothing happens... When I visit a site that would spawn a window on
another computer, it does not spawn... What could I have done to my
computer to cause this? Any help would be very appreciated!!! Thank
you! |
1 |
by Bill
Wiriawan |
Install the
latest scripting engine, download from microsoft.com/script, if you
install IE4 as an upgrade, just reinstall IE4, and/or update to the
latest service pack. (SP2 at the moment) |
Question |
by Richard |
Hello, I'm using an IBM ThinkPad a20p
with Windows 2000 Professional on a 6 GB HD. I own a second HD (20
GB) which I can insert in the ThinkPad's Ultrabay. I can boot Win
2000 from the 6 GB and have Win 2000 recognize that the 20 GB is
inserted/present. HOWEVER, I can't find any way to "see"
the 20 GB drive in Windows Explorer. The hardware and device managers
see both drives, but I can't get to the 20 GB HD to format it, etc.
I'm curious because I have 3 partitions on the 6 GB HD, two of which
are unformatted. I can still "see" those partitions in
Windows Explorer, even though they are unformatted. Do I have to
"mount" the 20 GB HD, somehow? Thank you |
1 |
by Philip
Tan |
Hello. To get Windows 2000 to
"see" your new hard drive, right click My Computer and
select Manage. In the Computer Management window, select Disk
Management under the Storage branch. From here, you can see all hard
drives and their corresponding partitions. You can create, delete,
and format partitions here. |
Question |
by Paul |
Hello, I have recently upgraded to
ME, I have a Pentium 3, 450mhz proc, Voodoo 3dfx with the latest
upgrade. Since upgrading I have trouble with graphics on TOCA 2. The
game plays the first time but if you continue with the game the
graphics become jerky and it is unplayable. Codemasters can't help
me, I have the latest direct x 7. I need to know if I'm going to
have to reinstall win 98? Please help me. Thanks |
1 |
by Charles
Putman |
I'm not familiar with this particular
game, but a couple of questions.
1. Did you do an upgrade over Win98 or a clean install. One of the
biggest issues is drivers. Check with 3dfx for drivers designated to
WinMe. You may also want to consider a clean install of WinMe.
2. Are there any patches/updates for this particular
game? |
Question |
by Stephane |
Dear Activewin, I
would like to know if you know of a fix for the following issue...I
go to the Microsoft windows update website and click on update...then
I get the error message..."Missing System Files"...I had
just reinstalled and formatted a new hdd and get this error
message...I ran system file checker already and does not give me any
error messages...Is there a way I can fix this problem? Thank you
kindly. |
1 |
by Charles
Putman |
This sounds like you're running Win98.
Is this a retail version of Win98 or an OEM version that came with a
computer? Is there some antivirus, firewall, etc software that you're
running? If you have a firewall, this may be protecting the system
files from being read by the MS update site. |
Question |
by Brian Tharar |
Help, This may be a
silly question...but, I just installed IE 5.5 and as a former
Netscape user I am unable to locate the proper settings to turn off
those really bothersome popups, and redirects!!! please help. |
1 |
by Bob
Stein |
Tharar, In IE 5.5 there are two places
where you will find the option(s) that you are looking for. Go Tools
Menu->Internet Options Security Tab, Custom Security Level or
Tools Menu->Internet Options Advanced Tab You will find the
different restrictions in those two windows. Hope this helps.
Regards |
Question |
by Tom |
When I select the "Search
Icon" at the top of the IE screen a search frame correctly
appears on the left side of my screen. On the top left hand side of
this frame is the word search. To the right of this should be the
usual "close" button, but this is" invisible". If
I place the mouse arrow over the correct area the button appears, but
is blank ie. no X symbol. I have recently upgraded to IE5.5 from
version 5, but the problem is still there. Please can you help?
Thanks |
1 |
by Bob
Stein |
Tom, You could try and reinstall your
Internet Explorer. I've had small, annoying problems like that in the
past and that usually works in resolving them. Also, if you do not
want to install IE5 there is another way to close the search window.
After you click the search icon, and the box appears on the left hand
side of the screen, when you are done right click on the search
toolbar and you should get three options (Refresh, Open in New
Windows, and Close). Hope this helps. Regards |
Question |
by Pat |
Hi! my name is Pat! I
am making a HTML page for my Active Desktop and I have a the
following problem: I want to use animated GIF has shortcut to start
my applications but if I click on a link the download page appear!!!
Is there a way to start a APP. form a HTML page like a normal
shortcut wood. If you can help me please send me a Email ! Ps. Sorry
for the writing... I'm French ! |
1 |
by Bob
Stein |
Hi Pat! I think I know what you are
trying to say. There are many different links you can make in HTML;
FTP, news, mailto and many more. Making a link to launch a program
isn't any different. If the link is to an application on your
personal computer, you must first try and figure out which file is
the main application executable. To do this, right click on an
existing short cut and choose properties. For example, when you right
click on the Internet Explorer icon, choose properties you get this:
C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE So in MS front page,
type which text you want to make link from, highlight it and press
ctrl + K. This will bring up a hyperlink box and simply paste the
above string into the field. Click "Ok" and your link is
Here are some other common program links:
C:\Program Files\Outlook Express\msimn.exe - OE
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\WINWORD.EXE
- MS Word Note, these programs may be different on your computer so
check before you make your link! Hope this helps. Best
regards |
Question |
by John Doyle |
I have Win 98 on a Gateway Celeron 400 machine with 64 ram. I was
using Macafee virus scan without trouble, but then upgraded to IE
5.5. Boom! computer crashed on every startup, randomly while running
and on every shutdown. I found that if I disabled virus scan that no
crashes occurred. I also uninstalled IE 5.5 and ended up with IE
5.01. Got the newest virus scan from Macafee, followed the
installation instructions and BOOM! The same problem. Does this mean
that I have to switch to Norton? |
1 |
by Bill
Wiriawan |
Download the patch
released shortly after IE 5.5 was released, there's an issue about
this reported by many users, and at the same time, it's all solved
after the update applied. Check out the website for the info. |
Question |
by Allie |
Hi, I have windows 98, IE 5.5, 212
ram. I haven't been able to access windows update. The message comes
up that not able to display. After doing everything suggested on
their pages, I'm at a standstill. There are a couple of other sites I
can't use, like my banking site and a few other programs. It appears
that I have a damaged dll that is used by these pages. After hours of
searching around, I don't know. I did run sfc about a week ago, but
don't know if this caused my problem. What should I do. I have a
Compaq 5222, and windows came installed so all I have is a disk to
put me back to the very beginning. Thanks for any help. |
1 |
by Bill
Wiriawan |
Go to http://newlife-win98.server101.com/
for troubleshooting it. or you can go and download all the updates
manually for offline applying and future saving. http://corporate.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/en/default.asp
or http://newlife-win98.server101.com/Windows98_Updates.htm
There are many reasons that make Windowsupdate doesn't work, it's
often caused by a terrible connection and/or server responses, I
usually have luck after a few times try. Good luck |
Question |
by Jules |
Direct x 7 now has the transform and
lighting feature that allows 3d video cards to offload geometry
calculations from the processor. Could this feature be turned off
through the control panel or some other way? |
1 |
by Bob
Stein |
Jules, I searched
the DirectX website (which was out dated) and the Knowledge Base and
I couldn't find anything regarding your problem. If you are an
advanced user, the DirectX 7 SDK from MSDN might include some
utilities that you may find of interest and might help your problem:
Although I recommend waiting for Direct X 8, which should be
available to download within the month. Best regards, |
Question |
by Paul Schwartz |
Hello, Enjoyed your
site! My problem: I have a new computer with an OEM of 98SE. Often
Windows will stop responding after I access a drop down menu. This
usually happens the first time I access the File>Print command
after booting up. I have learned to wait 5-10 mins and then the
dialogue box appears. After that, the access to Print is normal. When
I do Ctrl-Alt-Delete I get a message that such and such a program,
Word say, has stopped responding. In a similar way, upon first
booting up I'm faced with only wallpaper, no icons. After waiting
5-10 mins the icons do come up. What do you think? Thanks in advance.
1 |
by Bill
Wiriawan |
Try to reduce the number of programs
that run during startup, and/or remove the programs that you don't
frequently use, there are problems reported that some programs is
causing the issue, another possibility is the Shell add-on that you
might install. If you can run windows normally in safe mode, it's
your program that is causing the problem, run the troubleshooter for
more info on how to troubleshoot in safe mode. This is what I can
suggest for now, since you don't give us the basics info on your
computer. Good Luck. |
Question |
by Andy |
All my IRQ settings
seem to be wrong! I have my on-board sound chip (Rage Pro Turbo II)
on IRQ 10, My ISDN card on IRQ 11, and some others are empty, like
IRQ 3! As a result, whenever I am online and I visit a page with
loads of Sound, my ISDN card hangs and I have to re-boot if I want to
commence surfing. If the sound chip was on IRQ 3, would this solve
this problem? |
1 |
by Bill
Wiriawan |
Yes, there are known issues for
onboard sound chips and IRQ settings, if you can get your hand on the
manual settings, this will prevent the problem from happening, you
can also configure it from your cmos settings in the bios, read the
troubleshooter for more info. |
Question |
by Colethia |
I have a computer
that has constant hesitation problems. Intel Pentium III 733 Mhz, 128
ram, board running at 133. The computer hesitates periodically
throughout the day for about 45-60 seconds. The mouse pointer
disappears and nothing can be done until it comes back. This happens
in all programs. Any suggestions would be appreciated. This is a new
system with all new drivers. We are running Win98 SE. New install on
new drive. Thanks for your help. |
1 |
by Bill
Wiriawan |
Run the troubleshooter.
Since it's a newly installed system, try booting into safe mode, and
see if the problem occurs. My point is, you should know after which
driver/program from hardware setup has caused the problem. Revert
back to a "Just started state" a state where windows start
for the first time, before anything is installed, and install your
custom package one by one, until you find out the core problem. Read
the help files on how to run the scanreg in MS-DOS mode, it's as easy
as typing scanreg /restore after you boot with a startup disk, and
choose the earliest date in the list. Good Luck. |
Question |
by Melvin |
We are in a business
environment using Dell OptiPlex GX1 workstations (128 mb ram/400 mhz)
running Windows NT 4.0. Most of the workstations currently have
Internet Explorer 5.0 installed; however, we have recently started
testing for upgrading to Internet Explorer 5.5. On machines that have
been updated to IE 5.5, we have problems (text overlapping, etc) when
printing some web pages (primarily various microsoft.com site
locations - knowledge base, office updates, etc.). It is not every
page, and the same pages that print improperly in IE 5.5 printed fine
using IE5.0. Do you know what would cause this and what we might do
to solve the problem! Thank you! |
1 |
by Bill
Wiriawan |
Based on the fact that the machine
runs the same operating system, there's no reason for IE5.5 to failed
the print. I'm wondering whether you tried the print preview feature?
It comes to my mind that perhaps the encoding of the page, and the
IE5.5 settings doesn't match, thus, causing the print to overlap. Try
choosing the Auto-Select for the encoding, and set the font size to
default, then Preview before you print. We are unable to find any
related issue in the database, and along us, so this is what we can
give for now. Sorry for the inconvenience. |
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advice. If you do anything that is included in our advice, you are doing
so at your own risk.
If you have any
questions pertaining to a particular answer please contact the person
who replied.
can contact anyone of our staff here
or email us at askaw@activewin.com
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